(no subject)

May 30, 2006 14:04

As sad as this sounds, I actually miss Pembroke Penis. I live in the middle of no where. No friends, no anything. I drive 45 minutes to get to work ): But maybe when I start working, I'll make some awesomesauce friends and have more fun.

As of now, I'm in Gainesville visiting Crashley and Loserface. I got here last Thursday and I'm staying until Thursday. I'm surprised I haven't been kicked out yet :D

My first day of work is Saturday..training I suppose. I'm excited (:

I saw Xmen yesterday. I thought it was superb. My parents said it was boring and they fell asleep. Lame!

Yes, well. That's all for now...and probably for a long while. I'm a laze when it comes to updating this...actually I'm a laze when It comes to just about everything. Maybe I should do something about that.


-Cheatsie Don't Say Algorithm <3
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