Mar 07, 2011 12:47
It's been a while since the deadline and to my knowledge several people still haven't received their secret santa.
I tried to contact iroh, but with no reply, so I figured maybe to start a post like this? (If there's no problems with it. I'll delete it instantly if there's any objections or stuff. I just want to try and help out for those who didn't get anything yet.)
Anybody who hasn't received their santa yet (if people are still checking here), just chime in here?
Or if you are willing to make art/fic for one of the people who missed out, all the better too!
We could perhaps get a list going and get art/fic around to everybody who missed out c:
Or something of the kind at least.
Personally I haven't gotten my SS, but I'm all up for filling in for somebody else who didn't get theirs as well c: