Nov 10, 2009 23:24

Lol, oh god, I'm so fucking late with these but I don't really care.

Jessica is NOT in any of these pictures~

Fixing up the house before the trick-or-treaters start running around~

1 of 4 scare crows.

2 of 4 scarecrows.

3 & 4 of 4 scarecrows.

The ghost~ We hung him up in the yard between the tree and the roof.

Creepy, amirite?

The shadow from the scarecrow is pretty great~

That would be Daniel. He creeped out a lot of the little kids and followed them around.

Dan's friend Taylor. He was walking/following around a lot of people scaring them too xD

Taylor's friend Steve who was also scaring some people. A lot were unsure if he was real or not, actually. Pretty hilarious when he was sittin by the mailbox!

Man owo That camera's flash is really bright.

This one's a bit dark ;w; I suck at camera's.

Fff, that would be Dan at the door. He changed for a party.

Ah, there's the ghost hanging up near the top, there!

Lol that pumpkin. I want to know who carved it.

And that's it folks! Sorry bout the date in the corner xD It was a new camera and I only just now figure out how to turn the date off. I also actually missed a lot of really good pictures of the guys when it was a little lighter out ;A; I didn't realize I wasn't hitting the Snap button hard enough >>;

Hope you enjoyed my creepy lookin Halloween house~

pic spam, awsum rite?, halloween, dumbassery, f-f-f-fail

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