Nov 07, 2011 14:28
Elections are tomorrow and I feel guilty that I never got a chance to get a protest permit (I mean, there was no guarantee they would have allowed us one, knowing my town and all.) The signs I made with Cassy are still sitting in my closet as a reminder that I did not get a chance to fight the good fight but I hope they won't be a reminder of the fight that we lost. I swear I am going to start a prayer circle, y'all. All I can do at this point is go vote tomorrow and hope the people of Mississippi make the right decision.
I've had a bit of fun lately - Rocky Horror Picture show was on the 28th, where I turned into a one woman tuberculosis ward because I overdid it trying to do the Time Warp. Then on Saturday was Raina's Halloween party; I dressed as a neckbeard and had Cheetos and a Mountain Dew as props and I drew on facial hair, it was pretty sweet. I stayed that night and we were going to do that one man hide-and-seek ritual (which I was calling "futari kakurenbo", look how clever I am) but we didn't get all the supplies ready by 3 AM because we were watching Vocaloid videos on THE BIG SCREEN. Then today was my mom's birthday so we rode up to Hattiesburg and ate Japanese. Each of us had a lunch box with a different entree (I had the chicken, Meg the beef, and Mom the salmon) and it was excellent.
I've almost had my fill of human interaction for the month but I still have Cassy's baby shower on the 13th and then I was thinking of going to this Homestuck vs. Hetalia thing in Slidell on the 19th because it's for a good cause and it would be nice to meet more people in the South into Homestuck. I even still have my Equius horns from when I thought I'd be going as him for Halloween. There's there's all the Thanksgiving dinners /o\
So anyway, for the past few nights I've been reading this Korean webcomic called Noblesse. The art is amazing and the plot is decent and it's laugh out loud funny at times but I...uh...I've mostly been reading it because hot fictional men. Which is as good a reason as any, I suppose. But I had no idea this whole full-color Korean webcomic thing even existed at all on the Internet. It's too bad I don't speak a word of Korean. Well, that's not entirely true, I do know "annyong." Thanks, Arrested Development.