Oct 16, 2011 03:22
Jesus, wow, I thought when I got a new journal I'd have things to say on a regular basis but ever since I quit my job, my life has been so boring it's unreal. I've pretty much given up on finding another job before next year and even then, I couldn't keep it since Mom is hellbent on me going back to school in January and I've got nothing else to do so I might as well do something productive with my time. That makes me sound like I really don't want to but...I really don't? Not because I don't want to get a degree and have a career and quit being a loser but I don't like the idea of her paying off my debts for me, especially since it was my fuck up and I'm a grown woman and I should be the one to pay for it, not her. She spent so much goddamn money on me already that it makes me ill thinking about it. But I guess she's my mother and that's what mothers do...or something.
Okay, so...I guess we're not as bad off financially as we thought we were going to be? I mean, sure, we're still poor as fuck, don't get me wrong, but my mom made several hundred more dollars on her last paycheck than she thought she would and that was with what she calls "minimal effort" so I suppose she could conceivably pay off the $100 I need to get my transcript from Ole Miss. And to help me apply to USM and to pay the orientation fees (because I'm 99.9% sure I'm going to be accepted, I'm not even being cocky, let's just face facts.) So...it's not going to break the bank if she does but urgh, the thought of it, the thought of it. And who knows, maybe I'll find a little something to do until then and I can save a little and take the burden off of her. Because that was the whole point in me getting a job in the first place, to do exactly that.
Anyway, the point is...fuck, I don't know what the whole point is in this. Just that I'm bored and money is a terrible thing and sometimes you have to rely on your mother even though you thought you'd be a much more awesome adult by this age. I don't know...this week is just the calm before the incredibly awesome storm of awesome things that are happening this month (Halloween dinner party, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Halloween itself, all the geeky shit I'm looking forward to) so I'm just biding my time. Maybe life will get more interesting soon. I fucking hope so, because the most interesting thing to happen to me lately was buying The Lion King Blu-Ray and DVD combo pack from Wal-Mart today. And eating frozen yogurt.
Hi, yeah, it's 3 AM and I am not making much sense at the moment and I'm kind of being an asshole so I'll go back to rewatching season one of Archer now. Oh and reply to the comments on my last post, which I just remembered.