Title: Possesion
Pairing: Takaki/Daiki
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Romance, I guess..
Warning: for VAMPIRES. RAWR.
Sidenotes: THIS DRABLE IS DEDICATED TO MII-CHAN AKA MIIKA_DAISCENT <3333 NO MII-CHAN IT’S NOT YOUR REQUEST!! I simply dedicate this to you! The request one is still on progress! ;D
Summary: this drabble is too short for SUMMARY! ;;;;
The perfect blue velvet sky is adorned by million twinkling stars, rests a blanket upon the city. He glances up towards the sky. A smile crawls up to the cherry colored lips. A faint sound of his favorite song playing through his mind as peace is the only thing contaminating the night.
His eyes then examines the dark room. A dark figure is standing patiently, leaning against the door. Eyes glimmers as the moonlight spotlights him through. A brief of silence amongst them. The figure smirks in amusement.
“It's time, Daiki” The two stern words reaches through the boy's ears. He feels a shiver run down his back unpleasantly. He simply nods.
His body moves by itself as he walks towards the king-sized bed and sits down in the edge, waiting. He glances up to the man who's walking towards him. Those onyx orbs, pale lips, and cold skin is enough to make the pain worth it. He lay down on the bed, follows by a taller guy who's now on top of him.
“Relax” He soothed. “Everything's gonna be okay”
He nods again, knowing there’s no coherent words needed. He tilts his head to the side. Bare neck is visible to the taller man's eyes. He leans down and starts to nibble on it, receiving a short gasp. He licks the red marks, gasp turns to moans. Long and gentle fingers buries and losts between the taller man's silky hair. Heavy breathing accompanying the atmosphere. After realizing the taller man's doing something else than just nibbling, Daiki's eyes snaps open.
“Takaki, i-it hurtsーah!”
Blood trickling down from his neck, as the taller man suck on it in delight. Moans that are mixed with hisses of pain fills the thick air. Legs are wrapped on the latter's waist. Fingers digging the flesh of the shoulder.
“A little bit more, Daiki”
After for what seems like eternity, the taller man stops sucking on the blood and glances down to the pained face of his mate. He smiles while tracing his fingers on the shorter man's cheek, signalling that it’s over. Daikiーwho was once shut his eyes firmly, slowly opens his eyes and stares at the empty orbs on top of him.
“I love you, Takaki..”
“I know, Daiki..”