Rules: Once you've been tagged, you're supposed to make a post with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
To do this, paste these instructions in your LJ, type your 25 random things, tag up to 25 people.
1. the number 1 is overrated
2. I am too lazy to use any capital letters right now
3. except the letter "I", because people not capitalizing their "I"s really annoys me
4. goddamn I love the number 4
5. I think 25 random things is way too many random things right now
6. I will do this meme anyway though
7. I would feel kind of like a jerk if I didn't
8. I also think it's time to get on with the random facts; this stalling isn't fooling anyone
9. I think large smooth avocados taste watery and gross, but haas avocados are my single most favorite food
10. I think about food and cooking too much
11. seriously, 80% of my bookmarks are food/cooking related
12. the other 20% are porn related
13. just kidding: I have the URLs to numerous porn websites committed to memory
14. random fact #13 is actually not a lie
15. I wasn't hugged enough as a child
16. sadly, random fact #15 is also not a lie
17. compiling that collection of Poju porn made me sick of looking at porn - I always wondered "how much is too much?" and that is how much is too much
18. I have made three private posts in the past week
19. I just took a break from writing this to save a venison stew recipe
20. I don't even have venison nor is there a snowball's chance in hell that I will have any within the next year
21. I am BOSS at keeping secrets
22. sometimes (a lot of the time) I want to take quotes from fictional stories seriously, but they don't apply to real life very well
23. telling myself "relax" actually works
24. I am making cherry scones tomorrow morning, I swear
25. I might not make any cherry scones tomorrow morning
Bonus random fact: I am not tagging specific people.
Bonus bonus random fact: I TAG EVERYONE
ALSO, I AM ADDING TO THIS MEME: you have to post a random picture when you do it
this is a must
I am posting a picture that combines food and porn, because those things are what the majority of my random facts where about (in retrospect, this is not a very random selection)