(no subject)

Apr 18, 2009 13:09

(This entry is just for my own record so I won't forget, but it will be nice to see if I get interesting comments ^^)

I had my first date yesterday *blushblushblush* (Well I've gone for a meal with exs but it was always with family or friends or other couples :P)

So, my saga begins on Wednesday of last week (the 15th XD) when i went to Freakscene, which is a nightclub in Cork city.

(l to r: Aoife, Helena, Eimear (Mimi chan), and of course me (chibi^^)

I had seen an Asian guy the week before (noticeable since he was the only Asian person there, so if you know me you'll know I would always notice XD.) He was dancing all night with a guy who was kind of messy goth and had really long hair, so I thought that maybeee he was "with" that guy.

Fast forward to the end of the night, about 02:15 (club closes at 2:30) and I was feeling glum and frustrated with myself. A lot of my friends had been pairing up with other people (happens many weeks but not to me) and usually I don't mind but I was still fixated on "that" guy. I mentioned it to Chris (the boy, the man, the god of matchmaking, all hail to thee etc etc... in short, he is awesome^^).
He had got Mimi together with a "dream boy" of hers and he saw me looking and of course knows about my >_> tendencies XD

I was too embarrassed to go up to the guy so before I knew it Chris had gone up and spoken to him, the guy looked at me questioningly and nodded his head and then Chris grabbed me and pushed me up to him. We couldn't talk with all the music so we went into the corridor. Summary: we talked for a while (he had such a nice French accent *melts*, he noticed I was shy (about 7 times) and he told me he was 24 and a Cancerian like me ^^ and was really nice and said it was okay, that there was no need to be shy with him. He took my phone number and I got his then we said goodbye.

Friday 17th: I got a text at a minute to 8 in the morning O_O saying, "Hi how are you? Do you have something to do or may you wana go out with me?" ^^

We met up at 3pm and he was wearing sunglasses, dark jeans and a white and black leather jacket. He looked so cool that I was a bit nervous and then he took off his glasses and he was just so cuuuute that I felt ok. We went to the city park and sat down talking about our lives, our study, work, family, interests and then as it got colder we decided to go to Tribes (hadn't been there in so long). We got jasmine tea (yum^^) and under his jacket he was wearing a cool Chinese style top (white with a dragon on the breast with the type of neck that I love, like on  学らん). There were many silences as we talked, drank our tea and many times I completely confused him with what I was saying XP When he asked me again and again to explain my meaning I got nervous and felt silly but I later found out it was because he wanted to understand every single word I said *-*

He didn't know the city since he has only been here for 3 months so I brought him to see the university campus. It was a beautiful sunny day so we sat in front of the original old college building, the quadrangle and I think we must have talked for over an hour.
He was so honest about his past, his life, and he said many times that he was special (I poked him for being full of himself) but he explained, and he really wasn't being like that.

Then... well he asked what I thought about "him". i said a few things that he was nice etc. He replied very bluntly,"so you have feelings for me (JAAAA! *goes purple*) I KNOW you have feelings for me because I could see it from the way you came up to me and talked with me the other night" hidifienifniefeubufej
*pouts* how could he be so straight-forward?! It's not fair, he totally caught me off guard.

If that wasn't bad enough he said,"What you feel for me is love,no?" O_O"!

I had a silent freak out and kept on saying,"You can't say that in that way in English!" (because you know I love you is "je t'aime" directly translated as "I like you" in French... but still! Sheesh, way to give me a heart attack!).

We talked about other subjects and then I said I had to go so I showed him the really beautiful path alongside the river. We walked mostly in silence and then when we got to the college gates we hugged and planned to meet at the club again.

It was really nice and he was completely unlike what I had expected (well I didn't have any expectations but if I did, he would have been completely unlike them XD) His thoughts on life were so much like mine and he too had an internet relationship and went to see her but it didn't work out so I didn't have to worry about it when I told him that.

So much happened in the space of 3 hours... it was nice and a good experience as first dates go.
But I'm going to China in July and he knows this so we will see what will happen...

first date cuteness cool college tea

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