Decisions, decisions... O_o

Mar 03, 2009 21:07

So... "cometh the hour, cometh the (wo)man" xD

I've started to research into what I will do for next year by going to talks on campus, online research and making lists (y'all know how I love ma lists XD).

I had an appointment with someone from the Careers Office today and she was trying to push me towards business management BLERRRRKKKK! :P >_<

Anyway when she saw I definitely didn't want that (business YUCK!) I gave her my list of my experience, interests, accomplishments, goals and options and... XD she was really impressed (mochiron neeee *polishes fingernails on clothes in a smug way* [I know I know, I could never really pull off smug :PXD]).

She was impressed by my interest in both Japanese and Chinese and how I had many "contacts" in different places in the world [ although I call you guys Mammies, sisters or *cough* harbringer of lecherous thoughts *cough* NOT looking at Aaaaanyone in particular >_> XDDDD].

I was thinking of going to China if I don't get JET since I could still visit Japan and Korea and Taiwan and many other places besides that quite easily from there. Also I have Jin's family and friends and Chen lao shi to ask for help if I got into serious trouble if I lived near Beijing.

Also today I watched a documentary on earthquakes and in Tokyo they have big ones every few weeks O_o Also there is a SERIOUSLY big subduction zone underneath Honshu so if there was an eruption I would basically be screweddddd XP
I better not tell my Mum and Dad or they'll wrap me in bubble wrap and then tie me in a chair to keep me nice and safe >_< XDDD
Something like ohhh let me think BOILING LAVA or IMMINENT DEATH is not enough to keep me away from the fascianting Nippon ^^.

Time will decide I guess... For now I'll just do my best to finish my degree and to prepare for my future as best as I can...

future college japan china volcanos and

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