Title: Bitter Fruit
Author: DigiExpert
Fandom: Simoun
Pairing: Aaeru/Neviril
Rating: G
Request/Prompt: Sacrifice
Contains: food...again
Word Count: 300
Summary/Notes: A dinner of bitter fruit and some saltines... and then she realizes something watching Neviril force herself to eat the meager meal.
She found it almost too painful to watch Neviril struggle to eat the not so tasty meal they’d managed to throw together for the evening. She wasn’t too fond of it herself. Wherever they were, they were far from a water source, and they had been too tired to continue pushing forward. The only supplies they’d had left were a few packets of saltine crackers. She’d managed to find some kind of fruit on a nearby bush, but its flavor was sour and bitter to the tongue.
Nights like this rarely happened. Usually there was some shelter from a kind civilian or at least a clearing in which to camp, hunt, or fish. She’d been unsuccessful in trying to trap anything, and her shot had been off. The sour fruit and crackers would have to suffice, no matter how thirsty it made either of them. It was either that or starve.
Aaeru knew that Neviril had led a life of privilege and wealth before she became a Sibylla. She had never been showy or spoiled about it as far as Aaeru knew, but being in the forest here was a far cry from where she had been on Simulacrum. In contrast, she’d never been very wealthy, and had been content living with her grandpa on the farm. She hadn’t had to sacrifice as much to reach for her wish. There was no status or wealth to worry about. No family left behind
Unable to eat anymore, Neviril sighed and pushed the fruit away. She’d rather go hungry for the night than taste the bitterness. Her stomach protested, but she refused to listen. She heard a noise to her left, and was surprised when Aaeru wrapped an arm around her waist and offered her the rest of her saltine crackers, grinning.