Hayate X Blade - Jun/Ayana: "Once an Idiot, Always an Idiot"

Mar 26, 2011 03:17

Title: Once an Idiot, Always an Idiot
Author/Artist: Bat
Fandom: Hayate X Blade
Pairing: Kuga Jun/Mudou Ayana
Rating: PG13
Request/Prompt: Hayate X Blade, Kuga Jun/Mudou Ayana - The talented hawk hides its claws
Contains: Violence and humor
Word Count: 1,713
Summary/Notes: I think I failed somewhat at using the proverb's meaning but I tried to come as close as I possibly could. ._. I hope this is good, but I'm really not sure. Also, this fic ignores a similar attempt of keeping Ayana company in bed seen in volume three of the manga (though honestly, I forgot about it until after I wrote the scene). *whistles* (I'm late! Sorry! *tears and snot bubble*)

Once an Idiot, Always an Idiot

At some point, Jun had made it her mission to somehow woo her bespectacled, and sometimes violent, roommate. It was three parts attraction but mostly she just wanted to see if it was possible to penetrate the impenetrable walls Ayana surrounded herself with. Now, as to whether it was actually a good idea or not was highly debatable. Three broken bones, seven nosebleeds, ten beatings with Mr. Nail-bat, and close to a hundred concussions from being hit in the head with various items would deter the average person, but Jun just saw it as Ayana's way of playing hard to get.

Still, Jun had several aces up her sleeve, but to the surprise of most, there was nothing exactly tricky or devious about them. When Ayana was injured during a hoshitori, Jun either tended to her wounds or made sure that the other girl was comfortable as she healed. Of course, usually Ayana smacked her in the head and forced herself up, sometimes to collapse in pain several steps away. There was also the times where Jun was patient when Ayana cursed her out or threatened to smother her in her sleep if she caught her watching her undress again. It was likely that it was this calm demeanor toward her aggression was what further aggravated Ayana, but really, who knew? It wasn't like Ayana was overly vocal about her emotions.


Several (hundred) failed attempts at wooing her roommate found Jun changing tactics one night. Quietly, she climbed down from her bunk after Ayana had went to bed. She had thought the dark haired girl was asleep, but Ayana seemed to always be on her guard when Jun was around. It would've been hurtful if Jun gave it too much thought.

"What are you doing?"

Ayana didn't sound pleased, as well, she sounded wide awake which would make Jun's attempt slightly harder.

"You look cold all by yourself."

"How can you see me in the dark?"

"It's just a guess," Jun said, rubbing her arms for effect even though her roommate probably couldn't see her. "Now don't be shy..."

Picking up a corner of Ayana's blanket, Jun hesitated as her friend spoke again.

"If you move another inch toward my bed, I'll run my sword through you." The soft sound of metal being unsheathed was somehow painfully audible.

Jun dropped Ayana's blanket back onto the bed. "I can't bare the thought of you freezing to death when I'm perfectly capable and willing to use my body heat to warm yours."

"I would rather lose my fingers and toes to frostbite than let you warm me up with your body."

"Harsh," Jun whimpered, hanging her head.

Standing in the dark for a moment, Jun finally looked up and wondered if Ayana was sleeping, though she was pretty sure that she could just make out the shine of glasses staring at her through the darkness, which was weird for at least several different reasons. Not completely ready to give up, Jun knelt down on the floor in the dark beside Ayana's bed. When she spoke, her voice was quiet and serious.

"Do you hate me?"

"What?" The question threw Ayana off somewhat.

"Do you hate me?"


"I know I'm a bit much sometimes but it's only because I really care about you."

"What's this about?" Ayana was suspicious.

"I just think you might hate me."

"I don't hate you."

"Can I sleep with you tonight then?"







"Are you going to harass me all night?" Ayana's patience was wearing thin after a long day of dealing with Hayate.

"It depends, is it driving you crazy with desire?"

"You really do want me to kill you tonight, don't you?"


"Fine, but never ever ask me again. Deal?"

"Yay!" Jun clambered happily into Ayana's bed.

Ayana grumbled when Jun nuzzled against her back but after awhile the two settled into the quiet of night. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, a hand crept under her shirt and brushed against the underside of her breasts. She tensed as Jun slid her hand over her side and stroked her thighs lightly, but it was probably when she cupped the dark haired girl's crotch that Jun realized she pushed her luck. The elbow to her collarbone and subsequent hand to her face, hitting her so hard she actually FLEW out of the bed, faceplanting the floor upon gravity finding her again, were all definite assumptions pointing to her having pushed her luck.

Was it worth it?

Hell yes.

Jun knew that having been able to get that far was just proof in itself that her attempts to woo (and not deceive) Ayana were working! There was still some aces up her sleeve and all she had to do now was play them one at a time until Ayana's virtue was hers for the taking.


As it turned out, however, Ayana's ability to shoot Jun down was as quick and sharp as a machine gun shooting down an enemy plane, with one Jun Kuga left burning in flames; or black and blues, as the case may have it, besides, Jun always made sure to make her attempts while Ayana was a safe distant from flames to prevent a truly burning sensation. Then one day the relentless hawk saw it's opening and dove in for the kill.

"Where did my glasses go?"

"Hm? I don't know," Jun said, looking around her in confusion. "You lost them?"

"Don't pretend like you don't know where they went." If it was actually humanly possible, steam was wafting from Ayana's ears.

"Why would I take your glasses?"

"I don't know. It just seems like something stupid you would do."

"That just doesn't make sense, and you know it."


Ayana then proceeded to rip the room apart in search of her glasses, hurling their small television past Jun. It was only luck that it landed safely on one of their beds. In her time of blind fury and annoyance, the dark haired girl forgot she was wrapped in a towel. Quick, Jun grabbed a loose end while the other girl was busy chucking books around the room (more in an attempt to vent her annoyance than anything). In that fraction of a section Ayana was distracted, Jun freed her from her towel so that she was now partially blind and naked.

And pissed. Let us not forget that.

If this had been a manga, Ayana would've spewed Jun with fire from her mouth, burning her to the bone in a matter of nanoseconds. The anger barely seemed to register to the other girl because now that Ayana was a bit off guard and very naked, Jun busied herself with enjoying the sight.

"If you relax, I'll help you find your glasses," Jun said, grinning wickedly as her eyes devoured her roommate. "And maybe give you back your towel."

"Stop staring at me. Just because I can barely see you doesn't mean I don't know you're staring."

"You're just paranoid." Jun circled around the annoyed girl. "Do you want my help or not?"

Jun came up behind her friend and when Ayana moved to karate chop her, the smiling girl just grabbed her wrist and used her own momentum to pin Ayana's arm behind her back. A foot swept out to bring the dark haired girl to her knees in a hard thump and ensured Jun some time to keep her roommate subdued. Pressing her face to Ayana's hair, she inhaled her scent with a satisfied grin.

"Are you ready to behave?"

"Are you ready to die?"

"Even when you're vulnerable and unable to fight back, and undoubted wet for me, you're still fiesty."

A growl. "Jun..."

"Just relax."

Glasses appeared on Ayana's face, with Jun's lips not far behind. They captured Ayana's lips as she continued to hold the pinned arm in place. It was difficult to pull off but worth the surprised look in Ayana's eyes as her roommate kissed her. With her other arm, the dark haired girl finally pushed Jun away and glowered down at her soon to be dead roommate.

"Any last words?"

"You mean aside that I love how your rack looks when it's heaving up and down in anger?"

Ayana cracked her knuckles and reached for the nail-bat that somehow rolled out of the hammerspace the dark haired girl kept it in.

"I regret nothing because I love you."

That made the dark haired girl pause. Jun had said that she loved her before during other moments of inappropriate actions but there was something completely different about her tone of voice now. Frowning, Ayana studied the other girl for a long time.

"You're an idiot," she finally said.

"Love does that to a person."

"Being a pervert is not the same as love."

"How do you know that it's just not my way of showing my love for you to you?"

"Because that would be stupid beyond stupid."

"You know what love is. It's what you felt for Yukari, isn't it?"

Going pale, Ayana released her raised fists. "Don't bring her up when talking about love."

Taking the moment of calm to get up to her knees, Jun touched Ayana's face lightly. "Hey, I didn't mean to go for a sore spot. I just wanted you to see that I'm honest when I say it."

Silence, then, "Did you take my glasses?"

"I will not confirm or deny that as it may or may not result in my untimely death."

Raising her hand, Jun paled as she saw Mr. Nail-bat in her roommate's hand. The resulting beating was best not described as it was fairly ugly. When her anger had subsided and she had dressed, however, Ayana hugged Jun, then set about cleaning up the destruction she had caused. And by cleaning up the destruction she had caused, I mean that she cleared off her bed and supervised Jun as she did the rest. It was part of her punishment after all.

Still, Jun had won. Though if she knew winning would hurt so much, she might've given up before the blood loss.

Now she just had to figure out a way to get into Ayana's pants without dying.


medium: fiction, creator: hamimifk, round 09: february 2011 [proverbs], fandom: hayate x blade

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