And that's a wrap! Also: Make-up!

Oct 03, 2010 20:16

A bit behind on this one, but...

Thank you, everyone, for your participation in Yuri_Challenge: The Musical!

We had some excellent entries this time through; I haven't had time to read all the ones I want to - haven't had time for much lately, as shown by the fact that I'm making the closing announcement two days late. Eh heh heh....

Anyway!  As stated in the rules and community info, if you made a claim for a prompt and didn't post a fic or art for that prompt, you are now on the 'default' list. This means that, in the next round of Yuri_Challenge, you won't be able to make any claims for fic or art until a week after the claims start. If you want to avoid this unfortunate situation and not risk losing out on a prompt you really want next time, here's your chance.

Soon, we mods will post a list here of all the unclaimed or defaulted prompts. To get off the default list, all you have to do is post a fic or art here from one of these prompts before the next challenge starts. Plenty of time. ^_^ The prompts are also free for anyone who didn't default to write as well - do you think we'd stop you?  Not a chance!

Please get in touch with the mods or ask here if you have any questions about prompts or defaulting. Thank you and good night!

*bows, drops curtain*
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