Simoun: Rodoreamon/Mamiina - Ribbon

Jul 26, 2010 23:14

Title:  Ribbon
Author/Artist:  chibirachy aka DigiExpert
Fandom: Simoun
Pairing: Rodoreamon/Mamiina
Rating: G
Warnings: None necessary
Request/Prompt: Prompt sentence: Sign
Word Count: 300
Summary: A desire to see something famiilar and a bit of an old trick...
Notes: too adorable.

She hummed softly to herself as she completed her morning routine, brushing her hair until it was soft and without tangles. Neatly, carefully, she parted her hair down the center. Her fingers nimbly worked the strands, separating them into three sections before plaiting them with practiced ease. She tied off each end, and then reached absently for the red velvet ribbon that would hold the braids together.

Her fingers came up empty. She fumbled around, searching for the ribbon blindly, but felt nothing. She turned her head, looking to the spot where she knew the ribbon had been kept. As she had thought, the ribbon was nowhere to be seen. She frowned slightly. She was certain she had placed it here the night before.

In the background, a sudden bout of soft snickering started. Rodoreamon turned suddenly, but no one was there, as she had expected. She turned back to her vanity, looking for the ribbon once again. She checked behind bottles of perfume and containers of makeup, but the ribbon was nowhere to be found. She heard the snickering again.

“I guess I’ll have to wear my hair in this style today, although I haven’t worn it since I was a teenager.” She rose from her seat and took one last look at her hair. It wasn’t the most professional style, but she had more important issues to deal with.

“I think it’s rather fitting for my little ladyship,” whispered a voice. Rodoreamon shivered lightly as she felt the cool air.

“Of course, Mamiina. You hid my ribbon, didn’t you?”

“You would dare accuse me?”

Rodoreamon nodded, smiling. “I know it was you, but I will wear it because you like it.” She exited the room, smiling. Mamiina would always leave signs behind that she was never truly gone.

round 08: interim [lightning challenge], medium: fiction, creator: chibirachy, fandom: simoun

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