Ok, so this journal is for my fanworks, mostly fanfics, only.
They won't be added frequently, like once a week or something, cause everyone knows I fail in adding anything regurlaly ;;_;;
Anyway, this is the first post and the first fic and it's SakurAiba :)
Title: Train
Fandom: Arashi
Pairing: Sakuraiba
Rating: G
Words: 558
A/N: Something I wrote after reading an article about the stages of the relationship.
They entered the train hand in hand with smiling faces. They were looking in each other eyes all the time. None spoke during they journey, but it was okay. They were absorbed by each other. They almost missed their stop hardly managing to get out before the door shut closed. People around them saw them happy, smiling and ready to face a new day, with any possible obstacle coming.
It was nice to see them together.
Few weeks later they still took the same train but finally were able to talk during the drive. They would talk about anything that already happened or anything that was still about to happen. They would tell funny stories about their friends and laugh together. From time to time she would put one earphone into his ear and one into hers and they would listen together to their music, smiling lightly. They don’t miss their stop and walk out together, walking in the rhythm of their own melody.
Still, it was nice to see them together.
Again, they weren’t talking. They just stood there and waited patiently for their stop. She would play with her cellphone and he would read some magazine. They won’t miss their stop, in fact their faces look kind of relieved when they leave the train.
It’s a little disturbing to see them together.
There’s impatience in their faces as they enter the train a few weeks later. They do talk, but mostly in short sentences, they just inform each other about something. When they reach their stop they almost yell at each other. She tells him they bought a bad gift for their friend and it’s his fault.
Now it hurts to see them together.
They don’t talk, they don’t touch they don’t even look at each other. They avoid other people looks. They’re a bit happy when they leave the train. Each of them at different stop.
He imagined the couple he’s seen so many times and wondered how does he and Sho look like to other people.
They didn’t talk all the time or looked into each other eyes. Well, Aiba did look at Sho reading a book or listening to the music with eyes closed. He did, because he simply enjoyed that. They didn’t chit-chat, although from time to time one of them said something, a joke, which only the two of them could understand. They smiled at each other kindly. Actually, while talking they did look into each other eyes.
Aiba wondered if that counts.
He looked at his hand holding Sho’s. Looking at their linked hands he thought about all the people who hurt each other, even if they said “I love You” not so long ago. It was something he couldn’t understand.
Aiba felt something hitting his shoulder. He turned around just to see Sho’s sleeping face. He smiled as his mind slowly drifted away from the couple he was seeing almost every day for few months. “It looks like they’re about to split up” he thought while playing with Sho’s hair which fell at his face. He turned on his ipod and found a playlist filled with quiet, calm music. Carefully, not to wake Sho up, Aiba put one earphone into Sho’s ear and one into his own. Then he closed his eyes embracing the other man a little closer.
Comments and criticism are love~~