
Mar 30, 2007 09:01

just two more papers.

CL 198 paper is really easy since it's about homosexuality in Arabic literature, a topic i want. but i can't bring myself to do anything. then there's my CW111 revision. i don't know how the hell will i put a stupid town in a stupid philippine setting camping site. we really don't have a camping site anywhere! or, at least i didn't saw anything when we were camping last summer.

summer!! i want to be on summer mode already. i want to play rakion for hours!! i want to watch ***a** for hours!! non-stop!! i want to play at the arcade until i have no more money!!

but...  i wish. after the holy week (which is also no-computer-no-tv-nothing-fun-should-be-done-week), it's already the start of summer classes.


anyway, everyone's been doing it:

1. Are you a child of the 70s, 80s, or 90s?

2. Where were you born?
Polymedic Hospital (?) I'm not really sure of the name. [walking-distance lang siya ngayon sa'min. XO]

3. What kind of home did you grow up in?
err... where the dad's not always visible? we're used to go to the mall with only four of us so my siblings, my mom and i are pretty close. (my aunts said we look like a barkada, really)

4. Did you enjoy your childhood?
yiz. since we have many playmates our age that time--actually, our street's the most kid-populated then--so we played games from morning till night (until we can't see each other anymore)

5. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

6. What do you want to be now?
A writer <---what he said

7. What was your first best friend's name?
Mary Rose (her nickname's King-king XD)

8. Is she still your friend?
we don't see each other anymore except on New Years

9. Can you name all the schools you ever attended?
University of Regina Carmeli, Marcelo H. del Pilar National High School, UP-Diliman (I forgot my nursery school... XO)

10. Were you closer to your mom or dad as a kid?

11. What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?
tape = Linkin Park. craaaawwliiiing iiin myyy skiiiiin~~

12. How old is a good age to have kids?
O.o i don't know... 30?

13. Were you scared of anything?
clowns and fishes (live ones) although i'm over with the latter, what with my mom forcing me to clean her aquarium once a week.

14. What was your favourite class in elementary school?
english, lunch break

15. Did you buy school lunch or bring your own?
buy school lunch.

16. Broken any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?
you just have to ask. well, when i was in grade 2, we were going home and our service finally arrived. since i was very happy, i was smiling like an idiot and not looking around. a fat kid bumped into me and caused me to hit my face on the cement. the result? my two permanent front teeth were pulled out. neatly. as if a dentist did it. after that, i wore a false teeth, then braces, and now a retainer.

17. Were you a mean kid?
i think. i used to bully my friends back in grade 5. although i don't ask them for money, i just, you know, punch them or something. XD is that bad?

18. Favourite board game of all time?
millionaire's game.

19. Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?
super hero really. i don't have anyone to play house with. we tried, and everyone ended wanting to be the kids-who-have-hidden-super-powers. yeah, so we just played super heroes.

20. Seriously, are you still just a kid at heart?
sure. SPARTA!!!
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