time to stop and smell the flowers...

Mar 20, 2007 19:18

...or not.

just scratched two more items on my to do list. i have no idea how i survived another day, but thank God i did.

i woke up late this morning. my body was probably craving for sleep so it shut my alarm down without me realizing it. good thing my mom called at 7:30am to check if i'm already awake(i love her for that). i took a bath as fast as i could, skipped breakfast, rode the third cart on the MRT and got to school thirty minutes early. well, at least i got more time to memorize shakespeare--

--which didn't helped me one bit on my exam. god! if i knew that Macbeth's line wouldn't appear on the exam, i could've used the time i spent on memorizing those by reading the synopsis of the plays. and THAT would help me A LOT in passing the exam. but of course it was to be expected, getting surprised at the exam i mean.

anyway, six more items to do. three of 'em's due on thursday.

our 65-page paper's deadline was moved on thursday. why? cause our prof was in a bad mood yesterday and just decided to make our life more hellish. so there. he just succeeded.

and then one professor was just TOO KIND to deny us an extension of the deadline. and our classmates didn't help. i mean, if you want to pass it on thursday, then PLEASE do so. but an extension won't hurt. argh!! the professor gave us that i've-been-a-student-too-and-i-didn't-have-it-easy shit. blah!

good thing our writing professor gave us a longer time to revise. whew. at least i can do that next week with no pressure whatsoever.

mushroom18, do you have any materials about Abu Nuwas? my prof told me i should just concentrate on him. =^0^= sankyuu~

so there... better get started on that 65 pages of bullshit.

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