Good day =D !!

Nov 14, 2004 20:31

This morning I talked to Ray.. which was much needed because of how things have been lately, and that worked out well and he was nice about it and everythings great with ush again :)

Also this morning I took my Asacol pills for the first time (the first two, obviously in the morning) it took me about three triess, but I didd do it =D! Than aht 5 I took my next two and that took me two tries =P .. andd than aht 11 I gotta take my next two + the Anemia one.

Anyway. Soo after all that I went to pick up Mike<3 and Anthonyy aht 1;30 and we all came back to my housee. I gave Anthony a liddle tour =P .. and he touched EVERYTHING in my freaking room lol. Esp my take apart cow that I had made =P Aht 2 Rich came and we all went downstairss<3 We played piano, well more lyke I played (cusz I know some shtuff *claps for mee*) and Anthony played a longass horrible solo lolol. No offensee to him of courshh. Rich kept saying he was gonna kill him in horrible wayss lolol. Ooh the love<3 Mike && Anthony played Duck Hunt too lmao. Gotta <333 oldass Nintendo !! Also gotta <333 Boiling Points =D!! We watched that for a whileee (Anthony cried wehnever we turned it off =P) and talked about how if Rich was on it he'd prolly kill the person than end up having to pay THEM a 100 dollars cusz he'd be sued lolol. *Mikes impersonation of how it would happen* :: "Sir thats my shopping cart" "THIS IS MYNE BITCH" *Rips out their heart.. stomp stomp* lmaooo. Hmmm I reallyy fucked up Richs shoelaces too lol. Oopss.. hehe. OO andd everybody played with Richs 'sack' lmaoo !! And for those dirty minds I mean his hackey sack ;] lolol. Too bad Rich hadda leave aht 5.. but Mike and Anthony stayed till 8 =D! We talked about EVERYTHING past and present and future =P .. just really everythingg !! Mike talked about how fake parents can be, lyke wehn a friend calls and they say "Yeah hold on I'll get him" *In the background* "I TOLD YOU TO GET YOUR ASS IN YOUR ROOM *GRROWLL.. KICK*" *Back to the phone* "He's in the bathroom he'll call you later." Lmaoo !! It wass sooo great!! And amusing aht times too wehn we talked about non-serious shtuff =P OMG aht one point I made Anthony laugh and than he farted cause of it lmao it was soo funny though cause he's laughing and all offa sudden he laughed harderrr and said "Ahh you made me farttt" lmao wow. Alsoo wehn he sneezes his leg kicks lololol. OO OO andd we played with an electronic ferret.. Anthony kept trieing to kill him :( lolol. Woww there's SOO much to writee !! We played with Pokemon shtuff =D!! Lolol. Andd we had Chicken Pattys for dinner :) andd watched Waterboy. Well mainly talked during it but styll =P .. it was SOO much funn though! Today was fucking awesomee !!

Tomoroo Ive got school :( .. but I do have lab off which is good cause Rich is cutting that period and Mike will try too =P anddd Anthonys already in that period so we're all gonna be togetherr :) yeey ! =P Andd yeah so thats about it.. Imm gonna go noww.. later lovess<333
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