Brr *shiver shiver*

Nov 13, 2004 19:51

Today was a pretty nice day<3 Hadda wake up aht 8 in the morning though.. ahh the earlyy !! Than aht 9 me and my Mom picked up Mike<3 and we went to Nancys (my Mom's best friend) to meet up with her, her daughter (Jaime) and their aunt Gloria. I got sick on the car ride // train ride there :( But than I hadda donut before we got on the Subway and that made me feel better :)

We walked arouhnd for about an hour.. it was FREEZING !! *Shiverr !!* But after looking aht the bigg tree and ice skating rink and such we went into the Radio City Music Hall. It's SOO pretty in there =D! And the show was really awesomee.. and it was nice to just forget everything and watch it with the love of my life<33333

After that we ate out aht Applebee's where there was a balloon animal guy.. he was odd but he gave me a teddy bear balloon !! =D !! Aww<33 Soo than we walked arouhnd Times Square and everything.. and omgg.. aht one point we heard a really loud pop almost lyke a gun shot and we all thought we were being shot aht.. but it was just my balloon bears arm popping from the cold lmao. That was interesting<3

Aht 4;30 we headed backk to the train station. We had to stand on the train for half the time.. my legs hurt :( .. owwie. But than we finally got to sit the last 40 minutes, and I slept<3 Anyway. Than we all just drove home.. and we dropped Mike off and wat not. Than I got homee.. took a shower and came on heree. I'm styll not looking foward to beginning my pills tomoroo.. I really hope I can do it.. REALLY do =/ .. I guesh I'll just update wehnever I have something to say againn. Later<33
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