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Nov 09, 2004 18:57

I was soo effing tired this morningg.. I dun even sleeep aht night anymore.. hopefully with how tired I am noww Ill have an easier time with that toonightt :).. anywayy.. on to my school dayy =P ..

First Period ;; I styll fucking hate my teacher. And I DUNN wanna go tomoroo bcusz shesss an idiot that READ MYY project wrongg, yet I haffto get yelled aht for DOING it wrongg ! I dun effing think soo!!
Second Period ;; Our teacher never showed upp..? Lol soo me && Anthony talked all periodd.. he gave me half his bagel :) anddd we played with a tennis ball ((im nottt coordinatedd)) andd wat nott
Third Period ;; Finished watching our moviee. Andd than worked on shtuff in the textbook.
Fourth Period ;; Started our quarterly.
Fifth Period ;; Me && Mike presented.. he read it for mee =D <33
Sixth Period ;; Lots of notess =P
Seventh Periodd ;; Gymm ewww. I got outta doing it thouu :) && Jess jusz yelled aht himm && refused =P hehe.
Eigth Period ;; I was sooo tiredd soo I slept on Mikee<333
Ninth Period ;; I pretty much kept passing out midd ushh reading the story =P .. I alsoo talked to "Chris" lmaoo. 'THAT LIDDLE SKANK' Lolololol =P

Alrightyy soo back home with Mike<33 we watched more 'Viva La Bam' && finished my birthday cakee =D! Anddd than we ended up taking a napp for half an hourr than he had to go homee :( *sniffle sniffle* .. but since he left I jusz slept some moree till 6;30<33 than ate dinner than came heree. Ta daaa. ..yeah. =P

Noww Im styll really effing tiredd.. talking to Anthonyy aht the momentt.. sending him the pictures finally from my partyy =P Andd yeah.. Im gonna go noww.. laterr my lovess<333
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