Nov 28, 2004 00:24
Sorry for the lacking of livejournall.. its not that Ive been busy just lazy really lol. Ill try and comment on journals tonightt.. but it's latee, but I'll still do my best<3
Anywayss. Soo todayy I was aht Mikes all day XD !!! I love youu<3 Anddd I went to Burger King and I got one of those kickass Spongebob watches XD! And yeah its one of those ages 3+ watches lol.. it's styll awesome thoughh ;)
My throats been feeling better =D.. slowlyy but it's getting there<3
Aht the moment I'm not doing much.. I wass talking to Anthony, but he just left.. it took him a while to go though because I'm just that much fun to talk to ;P lolol yeah. Noww I'm talking to Rich about Christmas and everythinggg.
Andd I'm listening to my headbangers ball cd =D
Onna sadder note. My Mom's having nightmares again.. Ever since 9-11 and every so often now after shee has these horrible nightmares about itt.. and you can tell because you hear in the other room moaning painfully (sorta ghostly.. ya know?).. its lyke she's crieing outloud and you can't help. It's horrible to listen too.. hence the loud cd playing aht the moment =P
And I guess that's all for me.. Im gonna go read some journals.. later<3