Ouch that hurts! Unless you're a gymnast.
No, this is NOT that joke--this is a simple internet game of telephone. We can play it anyway you want; but for fun, I've already gotten us started.
Do you ever wonder if Altavista's literary allusion, "babelfish" works as advertised?
Hell--do you ever wonder what would happen if you got some English, Dutch, French & Greek people together??
I KNOW I did!!!
So, mosey on over to
Altavista and try this @ home By the way, summer jij almost here. You heard me right, fellow telephoner.
Type "summer" in the translation boxSelect 'English to Dutch'Hit 'Translate'Copy the translated text into the translation boxSelect 'Dutch to French'Repeat the above for French to Greek, & Greek back to English What word did you end up with? Was it "summer"??? Jij sure wasn't was it?