A Greek walks into a bar...

Mar 18, 2008 13:21

Ouch that hurts! Unless you're a gymnast.

No, this is NOT that joke--this is a simple internet game of telephone. We can play it anyway you want; but for fun, I've already gotten us started.

Do you ever wonder if Altavista's literary allusion, "babelfish" works as advertised?

Hell--do you ever wonder what would happen if you got some English, Dutch, French & Greek people together??

I KNOW I did!!!

So, mosey on over to Altavista and try this @ home

By the way, summer jij almost here. You heard me right, fellow telephoner.

  • Type "summer" in the translation box

  • Select 'English to Dutch'

  • Hit 'Translate'

  • Copy the translated text into the translation box

  • Select 'Dutch to French'

  • Repeat the above for French to Greek, & Greek back to English

  • What word did you end up with? Was it "summer"??? Jij sure wasn't was it?
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