Thanks to all who contributed and supported my whirlwind of a week. Still can't believe I got through everything; with friends who stay with me through the night/morning either physically or virtually and listening to my endless ranting/whining and giving me their journals as references when they know I have no time to finish my readings. To all who came down for our opening night and weekend exhibition events despite having a super busy schedule and exams up ahead, but I know some just want good FYP karma (hahaha). Can't wait for exams to end and get drunk-happy (not drunk-emo). Who's up for some drunk kbox nights or drunk mahjong nights?! much love to the someone who would call me while in LWN library to check on me if I'm ok when I didn't reply; tru#onefans of FS who relentlessly 'liked' everything FS produced and helped to trend our hashtags; and to team FS who have stuck throughout this despite all the frustrations..i dont know, I hope it was all worth it. anyhow, I enjoyed every part of the process, and getting exposed to a super talented artist and his artworks - support great art! Off to live off another of my inspirations - running. I go by the name, 12am treadmill