I feel like I haven't updated my lj in a thousand years haha. I'm actually a lot more active on twitter so add me (@_yoondoo) if any one of you have twitter :)
Yeah well, school started for me this week and it's so tiring. I have no idea why it's extra tiring this semester but it's killing me, just on the first week :|
Back to school also mean that it's time to face the truth, the consequences of....something and all those hard decisions. It was so so so damn easy to forget everything when it was the holidays, with twitter and Beast and *giggles* Infinite to occupy me. But seeing the HSS buildings, the students, the friends just made everything harder to deal with.
Which is why I need to stay away from all my friends because the more they ask and talk about it, the more they will know. But some things are harder to avoid...
Bleh, I don't even know what I'm ranting about, so I don't know how you guys can read this whole post without yelling at me.
....moving on to happy things, okay?
I'm still waiting for Beast to comeback! SOBS, WHEN ARE THEY DROPPING THIS ATOM BOMB ON US? I miss them so much and even though they're everywhere on TV, I need them to comeback and have that awesome combined stage with the Secret girls. And what's that hearbreaking video of Hyunseung and Seobbie on IV drops-
.....oh yeah happier things.
OT4 OT4 OT4 OT4 ♥
And seeing Junhyung being more comfortable to touch Doojoon on stage makes me very very happy too! OTP :DDDDDDDD
Collecting my iTouch tomorrow :)