Feb 04, 2009 16:46
Fuckin' around on the computer because I just spent the last 4.5 hours in the library finishing my midterm, and I want a 10 minute break before I have to walk over to my class and turn it in.
Circle K elections have come up again. This year there are quite a few people running for president, of all things. We usually struggle to get one or two people to definitively run.
Thinking back to this, I get a weird bittersweet feeling.
A year ago I had to come to terms with ending my job on board.
I also had to accept the loss of both VP Admin and further, the hopes of working on the appointed board. In the end, I'm glad I wasn't on board. I guess I've become a bit disillusioned. That... or just callous. Haha.
But really,.. I see this transition from being super into Circle K to leaving it after graduation as not being that hard. Sad, but true.
Two years ago, I had finished my term as Scrapbook Chair.
I began my term as the Secretary.
That has to be one of the most polar differences in duties. One nearly lacked any kind of structure, and I tried to use it to its full potential as such. The other had so much structure it was kind of dizzying but it was easy to understand (and my obsessive-compulsive tendencies made me complete any individual tasks I set out to do). How was it that those two seemingly completely opposite jobs fit me so well? Though I can't say I totally loved being the Secretary.
I had no idea that that year would hold such big changes for me. Was it really that long ago?
Why can't I complete any of my thoughts.. ugh. Time to turn in my paper.
S'weird that this song was on, though I don't know if it has any significance to anyone reading.
"Why do we like to hurt so much
Why do we like to hurt so much
That's what you get when you let your heart win"
circle k