Oct 06, 2006 02:49
I always seem to have these really strange aches that are associated with "people of age." Um. Anyway.
My dad used to joke by saying "Ah you're falling apart." I don't know...
So I'm facing a little bit of insomnia, despite being terribly tired..
Therefore I'll be writing about yet another health issue I've developed (?).
When I woke up, I decided to stretch out a bit. Having just woken up though, I yawned a couple times, and then I heard a sort of.. popping noise from my jaw. Left side. Painful, thought that wasn't really good, exact thought: "Oh crap!" Continued getting ready for class.
Of course, because I'm alone in my room, no one's at home, and I don't know a lot of people in class, so I'm not doing a lot of talking. However, when I get to next class, I see a friend and decide to chat a little. And then, I realize it hurts to talk. :( I figure it was from the abnormal yawn I did? So ok, I take it easy. Maybe it'll go away with time.
In the class, I attempted to yawn only to have my mouth close shut, probably from the realization of pain. I start to get a little worried.
I thought back to the time when my dad dislocated his jaw when he ate a baby carrot in his salad. I remember he hated eating those things from then on. I will most likely have to go see a doctor... It doesn't seem as though this will be one of those things that just "go away" with time.
On top of that... I can't chew food. >_< Yeeeahhh... Uh.. More smoothies!
Must sleep. Please fall asleep.