...are fun heeee~ =D.
To-do list 4 this weekend:
1. Scan through Read chem bk - ch. 13-16 --> study 4 midterm
2. Finish chem webwork
3. Try to finish mcweb (also chem)
----all chem stuff so far @_@----
4. Maybe? do research paper stuff
5. Catch up w/ sleep? (stupid 3-hr sleep on thursday -_-)
6. Relax w/ online involvements [forums & communities)? & youtube :P
Catch a long breath when thursday is over -- meaning chem midterm & bio 2b presentation are done =D...then maybe prepare for lab practical next thursday T.T. After lab practical, the focus must switch to the research paper...then finals...and done! =D
ooo~ Online collabs must be done along the way :P (currently involved in 4 collabs o.O)...guess this can be done in the gap between the midterm & the presentation :P.
liek whoa...the fan pix/fan cam i've seen so far regarding HB '08 were awesome =D
lol suju's green outfits look adorable -- i havent watch their perf yet, but it must must have included rokkugo XD haha *obviously
hmm...dbsk probably sang rising sun?!? based on the dance moves (from the fan pix)...dont know :P but I'll watch the rest of the clips tomorrow or something ~ must review chem tonight XD
the only hb '08 perf clip i watched was snsd's "kissing you" -- i think they did a good job =D...even with some fan singings in the background haha [mind u...fan-girls + fan-boys XD]..
YES, i do admit that i felt bad for not going XD but i convinced myself that it wont be that great if i go anyway :P. hehe it's true ~ my seat would be close enough so that I'll be able to see them as stick figures -__- (i probably mentioned this point so many times already XD). hmm dont know, maybe i can build some connections that will allow me & my sis to go backstage next year ^.^ hoho..that'd be wonderful~
being a college student, 1 year is actually not long (since we go by quarters)...but the events that will happen within that 1 year will be important --> so i hope that by the time the concert opens again next yr, i wont be stuck with school stuff =(. Neway, my hope is actually for dbsk + super junior to attend other concerts/events here [don't mind if those events are still hosted at L.A.] other than the HB XP -- that'll be more of an exclusive concert, which makes it very worthwhile to go to =D.
ok, i'm gonna go back to reviewing chem practice problems =) (i really hope to get better grades for all classes this quarter ^_^) ~ but my online involvement didnt decrease that much lol XD
sooooooooo..being too lazy to /not wanting to/don't have time to make new stuff, i present another wonder found @ youtube (not wonder girls 4 goodness sake XD): Banjun drama! of winter sonata =D
Click to view
p/s: making this post public since i'm also talking about the HB concert :P