long time without an entry [almost a week :P]..quite busy these days @_@
Today, i was like wtf in chem lab -_-...why why why?!? why must "that person" come up with such a harsh grading rubric -_-. Good thing our TA is sensible & gave everyone more points =D.
Heh, lab was both pretty funny & frustrating XD ~ ended up doing more than the required # of titrations since the stockroom messed up on HCl's concentration (?!? hmm they denied this though :P). Well, everyone finished before lab time is up though :P, so that's good.
After, I went to the library for research paper stuff. Wandered around all of the floors (5 of them) for the first time o.O -- lol the 5th floor was awkward XD, it's a special archive/library administration office, so I didnt even go in and ask those ppl to help me with my research XD.
hmm I finally got help from the help desk on 1st floor, even though the lady used pretty much many of the searching methods that I knew already :P. That did help though =). I'm also trying to complete the annotated bibliography 4 the research paper (which I kinda sneaked away from to go here XD).
hmmmm...on a lighter note, some after-school "activities" were interesting :P ~ sometimes i watch/listen people sing covers of songs XD (so far...especially dbsk songs). Some are really worth listening =)...while some...should re-record @_@. Yea, besides that, i haven't make new captions/macros or fanarts in general -_-. Some vids are also waiting to be completed -_- [parodies in particular :P] - o well, i guess school stuff should be privileged XP.
ok...going back to the annotated bibliography now :P. Also, i will possibly friends-lock some entries in the future [especially some ramblings about school stuff like this one XD], since ppl probably won't understand those [entries] anyway XD.
so yea, due to the lack of creativity XD, I will ~again~ link a youtube video =D (not made by me this time of course :P) -- very funny & cute ^.^....kinda like SuJu vs. Engrish XD
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