Sat, 00:28: RT @ andreia_fofona: It was YOUR hug that took the grace out of all the other hugs.That cozy hug of yours that sounds like I LOVE YOU and th…
Sat, 00:30: RT @ Newmini19: Gulf morning to the world... A new day has came.. Let's face to it with smiling face... Even though you getup little bit lat…
Sat, 00:31: RT @ andreia_fofona: GULF MORNING 🌻♥️ For today I wish you a sun lit in your chest and many good things to accompany. Enough to make your da…
Sat, 00:32: RT @ Bubbly_is_me: GO TELL HIM! Doesn't have to be long, just a 15-30 mins live will be just nice. Any longer he'll feel uncomfy ㅋ He did st…