Jan 21, 2011 15:10
“Spend the day with the annoying troopers”
“Joongie..wake up..or we’ll be late!”, say yunho to wake his lover up.
Actually, this is the third time Yunho tries to wake Jaejoong up.
First is when yunho opened his eyes but he saw Jaejoong sleeps peacefully.
Therefore, yunho decided to take shower first and then, wake his lover again.
After he was done dressing up, he woke his lover up again but then, he saw Jaejoong still sleeping soundly so he decided to make breakfast and then, came again to wake Jaejoong up.
Yunho thought that Jaejoong was so tired because yesterday he fooled around with Junki like a child.
Therefore, he let Jaejoong wake up late.
Because there is still no respond from his lover after the third time he wakes him up, yunho becomes worried.
Then, he cups his lover’s cheek and he can feel that his lover is sick.
Jaejoong’s cheeks are burn and it makes Yunho more worried.
“Joongie..Joongie..are you okay?”, sayYunho panicky.
“Joongie..answer me!!!”, say Yunho more panicky.
“Yunnie..”, call jaejoong weakly.
“Joongie..are you okay?”, ask Yunho panicky.
“Yunnie..”, call jaejoong once again weakly.
“Hmm..”, respond Yunho.
“Tell me Joongie..are you cold?”, ask yunho still in a panic tone.
“Hmm..I feel cold”, answer jaejoong weakly.
Then, Yunho takes another blanket from the cupboard and cover Jaejoong’s body.
“Still cold?”, ask Yunho.
“Better”, answer Jaejoong.
“What time is it now?”, ask Jaejoong weakly.
“Don’t worry..I’ll call Yoochun to tell the teacher that we can’t come to school today”, answer Yunho.
“Yunnie..you have to go to school”, say Jaejoong.
“I won’t leave you alone in this condition”, respond Yunho immediately.
“you have to!!!”, say Jaejoong forcefully.
“Joongie..you’re sick and I can’t leave you like this!”, reply Yunho.
“Yunnie..I’ll be okay!!!”, say jaejoong with a forceful smile.
“Are you sure?”, ask Yunho.
“Hmm…”, nod Jaejoong weakly but still in his forceful smile.
Actually, he wants Yunho stay beside him but he doesn’t wanna make Yunho get scolded by THE SHARK because today , yunho’s team will have the last preparation before they head to head with China’s basketball team next week.
Meanwhile, yunho also doesn’t want to leave Jaejoong. He wants to take care of his lover but he knows that Jaejoong will stay stubborn to insist him to go to school.
Moreover, he knows that Jaejoong will be more worried if he got scolded by THE SHARK.
Therefore, he leaves his lover with a hurtful feeling inside his heart.
“Joongie..I’ll try to get permission from THE SHARK so I can go home earlier!”, say Yunho weakly.
“Hmm..I’ll be okay..I just need a sleep”, comfort Jaejoong.
“Joongie..I’ll stay if you let me stay..”, say Yunho with a hopeful tone.
He hopes that his lover will let him stay beside him. He doesn’t care about THE SHARK. He just wants to be in his lover’s side, accompany him when he is sick.
“mmm..mmm”, respond jaejoong while shaking his head to the right and left as a sign that Yunho has to go to school.
“Well then..but promise me you have to eat your breakfast and then, take a rest”, say Yunho before leaving.
“Hmm..”, nod Jaejoong.
Then, Yunho kisses his lover’s forehead and leaves to school afterward.
In school
“Yunhoooooooo…where is Jae?”, shouts Junsu.
Yunho sits on his place without responding to Junsu’s question.
“YAH!!!JUNG YUNHO!!!”, shouts Junsu again but still, yunho ignores it.
“What’s up my man!!!had a fight with jaejoong?”, ask Yoochun calmly.
Yunho is still in his blank expression.
“I think..nyam..nyam..he is deaf!!!”, say Kibum while munching his sandwhich.
“Hmm..nyam..I think..nyam..nyam..it’s because..nyam..junsu’s voice..nyam..nyam…”, add Changmin.
“YAH!!!!”, shouts Junsu while hitting changmin’s back again and again.
It makes Changmin chokes out of his food and coughs for several times.
“MEANIE DOLPHIN!!!”, yell Kibum.
Yoosu just keep laughing to see the choking Changmin and the furious Kibum.
But, they become quiet again after seeing, the expressionless Yunho.
“Yunho..”, call Yoochun while shaking Yunho’s body.
“Hmm..I’m sorry..I was blank..sorry..”, apologize yunho.
“What’s up man?”, ask Yoochun.
“Yeah..wut’s up man?”, repeat Junsu with his ENGRISH.
“Jaejoong is sick and I’m worried to death!!!”, answer Yunho worriedly.
“Jae is sick???”, ask Junsu.
“Hmm..his body is burn with high temperature so he can’t get out of the bed”, reply Yunho.
“So..why do you still go to school?”, ask Junsu.
“Jae forced me because he knows that today is our last preparation before the match”, reply Yunho weakly.
“That damn stubborn boy!!!”, complain Junsu.
“I think he’ll get a high fever tonight”, say Yoochun.
“What??high fever?”, ask Yunho.
“Hmm..last time as I remember, jae was sick when he was thirteen years old and he got a very high fever that night”, recall Yoochun.
“Do you mean he doesn’t get sick for four years??”, ask junsu.
“He was sick for several times but it’s the last time when he couldn’t get out of his bed”, answer Yoochun.
“And..he hates medicine. That’s the problem!!”, add Yoochun.
“Really?”, ask Yunho.
“Hmm…but at that time, a thirteen year old boy is still gullible. Therefore, my mom did a trick to make him eat the medicine. Now, I don’t know how to fool that one-word man!!!”, answer Yoochun.
“Oh my god..I shouldn’t leave him. I’ll ask THE SHARK to let me skip today’s practice”, say Yunho guiltily.
“You’d better try it!!”, agree Yoochun.
But when Yunho wants to call THE SHARK, the teacher comes.
“Okay class..today..we’ll have a group work. One group consists of six people. Decide your own group for three minutes”, say the teacher.
Three minutes later..
“Yunho..who are your group members?”, ask the teacher.
“Yoosu and Kimin”, answer Yunho.
“So it means, your group consists of five?”, ask the teacher.
“Yes, mam”, answer Yunho.
“Well then..Se eun will be in your group. Therefore, your group will have six members”, say the teacher and no one is happy about it except Se Eun.
“Se Eun..you can join yunho’s group”, order the teacher.
Se Eun smiles ear to ear after hearing the teacher’s command. Moreover, she doesn’t find Jaejoong in yunho’s group.
“Yunho oppa..thanks”, say Se Eun.
Yunho ignores it but..
“helloooo…it’s the teacher’s command not yunho’s wish!!!”, say Junsu.
“hmm..I think it’s also not OUR WISH!!!”, say Kibum boldly.
Yoosu and Kimin share a laugh but yunho still keeps thinking of jaejoong.
Se Eun just gives a bitter smile to Yoosu and Kimin but after she sees her oppa doesn’t laugh at all, she feels happy because she thinks Yunho is in her side.
“Yunho oppa..”, call Se Eun like a child.
Yunho ignores it.
“Oppa..”, call Se Eun again but with a higher tone to make Yunho notice her existence.
“Oppa..are you sick?”, ask Se Eun.
“Let me touch your forehead”, say Se Eun but Yunho moves his head so Se Eun’s hands fail to touch his forehead.
“EUKYANG KYANG!!!!”, laugh Junsu and soon followed by Yoochun and Kimin.
Se Eun gives them a death glare and all of them shoot her back with their cold glare.
“Okay class..today, we’ll do a research on vertebrae animal”, say the teacher.
“So I want the leader of the group to take a paper in here and it will decide what class of vertebrae that you will observe”, continue the teacher.
Yunho comes forward and take a paper.
It is written “Amphibian”.
“We get Amphibian”, say yunho.
“Ahh..so unfortunate..why don’t we get a mammal!!!”, say Kibum.
“Yeah..we have a DOLPHIN in here!!!”, add changmin.
“YAH!!!”, shouts Junsu in his dolphin voice.
It makes Kimin and 2U laughs and even, Se Eun.
Junsu gives her a death glare because she is dare to laugh at him.
“It would be better if we get a REPTILE because we have a SNAKE in here”, mock junsu while pointing at Se eun’s face.
“Bingo!!!!it will be MUCH BETTER for us!!!!”, agree Kibum.
It shuts Se Eun’s mouth but the rest keeps laughing.
“Okay..all of you know what class of animal that you will observe. Now, go to the lab and find the animal that you need and observe them. Before you leave, all of you have to take this worksheet. I’m waiting here for your result in thirty minutes.”, say the teacher.
“Okay mam..”, say all students at the same time.
Then, all of them go to the lab but on the way to the lab, yunho sees THE SHARK sitting in his office.
“Guys..I think I have to talk to him now”, say Yunho.
“You mean THE SHARK??where is he?”, ask Yoochun.
“Right there on his office”, answer Yunho while pointing to THE SHARK’s office.
“Good luck then..!!!”, say Yoochun.
“Hmm..hwaiting!!!”, say Kimin and Yoosu at the same time.
“Yunho oppa..where do you want to go?”, ask Se Eun.
“YAH!!!You come with us!!!”, say Junsu while dragging Se Eun forcefully to the lab.
“Dirty snake!!you’re gonna have a NICE DAY with us!!!”, say Kibum straightly to Se Eun’s face.
“Have a nice day!!!’, shouts Junsu.
(rainy night’s ringtone is ringing)
“Yo yunho..”, say yoochun.
“Yoochun..I get his permission. I’ll go home immediately so the practice and the lab assignment, I’ll hand over it to you!!, say Yunho.
“Okay..hakuna matata”, say Yoochun.
“what is it??”, ask Yunho.
“it means..don’t worry be happy!!!”, answer Yoochun while laughing.
“Is it Kenyan Language??I’m sure it’s Junsu who taught you”, jokes Yunho.
“You got the point”, respond Yoochun while laughing.
“Well then..thx bro”, say Yunho.
“no problem..say our best wishes for jae to get well soon”, say Yoochun.
“Hmm..”, respond Yunho.
“don’t forget..he hates medicine so you have to find a way!!good luck!!!”, say Yoochun before hang up the phone.
“YAH!!!CATCH THAT FROG SE EUN!!!”, yell Junsu.
“I WON’T!!!IT’S DISGUSTING!!!”, yell back Se eun.
“HURRY UP!!!”, yell Kibum.
Se Eun can’t do anything but try to catch one frog for their research.
Yoosu and Kimin are flirting to each other and don’t care with Se eun at all.
“I got one”, say Se Eun with a bitter tone.
“Good..now you have to check this and that”, command Junsu.
“Here..read by yourself!!!”, say Kibum while giving her the worksheet.
Yoochun and Changmin don’t interrupt because they think it’s a “girl” business but they are ready if Se Eun does something bad to their lover.
Then, Yoosu and Kimin continue flirting to each other.
Se Eun can’t believe what yoosu and kimin are doing to her but she can’t do anything.
“Fucking bunch of idiots!!!”, curse Se Eun in her heart while looking coldly to Yoosu and Kimin.
“WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT???”, shout Junsu.
“CONTINUE YOUR WORK!!!”, add kibum.
Yoosu and Kimin are back to their world.
Se Eun keeps looking at the frog in front of her.
She doesn’t know what to to because she doesn’t understand at all.
Then, she ends up killing the frog.
“YAH!!!WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THAT FROG??”, ask Junsu angrily.
“I think she is stupid, baby su..”, say yoochun.
“She is!!!that’s why I made her to do it!!!”, answer Junsu with a devilish smile.
“My naughty Susu..”, whisper Yoochun seductively.
“Dirty Snake!!The teacher calls you and I think She is soooo angry at you!!!Gotcha!!!”, say Kibum with a wide smile.
Se Eun’s face is totally pale. She will get scold by the teacher because of the frog.
“DAMN BITHCES!!!!”, curse Se Eun.
“I SAY YOU ARE DAMN BITCHES!!!!”, shout Se Eun loudly.
“SE EUN!!!!DON’T BLAME ON OTHERS!!! I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU IN MY CLASS FOR THE NEXT THREE MEETINGS!!!YOU GET IT??”, scold the teacher and then, she leaves with an angry face.
Se Eun is so angry now.
She gets trapped by Yoosu and Kimin.
“Yay!!!no dirty snake in our class for three meetings!!!”, say Junsu cheerfully in front of Se Eun’s face.
“Cheers!!!”, say Kibum while tossing his mineral bottle in front of Se Eun’s face.
“YOU!!!”, yell Se Eun and she is about to slap Kibum but Changmin manages to catch her hands.
“YAH!!!DON’T DARE TO SLAP MY LOVER OR I’LL BREAK YOUR NECK!!!”, threat Changmin and he pulls Se Eun’s hands as strong as he can.
As expected from the strong Changmin, Se Eun falls to the floor.
“How does it feel??”, ask Kibum.
“We warn you not to DISTURB Yunjae’s relationship or WE GONNA DO SOMETHING WORSE THAN THIS!!!”, threat Junsu.
“we are the annoying troopers anyway!!!”, reply Kibum.
Then, the annoying troopers leave the falling girl.
They are laughing as hard as they can.
They enjoy their time but Se Eun feels on the other hand.
She promises to herself that she will avenge what yoosu and kimin have done to her.
She also won’t give up on Yunho..!!!