i want proper ending not hanging like that!!!!!

Oct 10, 2009 15:49

Dear LJ,
last night, i just finish watched all ep of buzzer beat. ok. not bad. i love naoki/riko pairing. they are so cute. But I can't stop laughing when riko said Naoki Baka. hey,player No. 8.haha. so maybe next week, i will start to watch ryo and takki drama.

Dear LJ,
i just read that maybe Akanishi Jin also got H1N1 disease. EH?really?three of his good friends already got it so maybe it his turn now.oh no.
please,don't. hope it just a rumour.

Dear LJ,
i'm waiting for tonight. why? well, because tonight at Animax (i think 8.30pm), at last i can watch Inuyasha:Final Act. even i love that anime,but it kind annoying when saw the ending is hanging like that. At least,give me proper ending like Slam Dunk (ok i know it still unfinish yet but i can understand the story). so,I hope the ending can give me a real satisfaction not just because inuyasha is one of my fav anime.

Dear LJ,
last night, i watch Nur Kasih at TV3. i hope 'the batu api' will die but not yet. I HATE THAT BATU API. I miss the first 15 minute because i followed my brother to his friend open house. then when i went home, that batu api already went to Aliya house. glad that Aidil came after that. and as expected, i knew it. Katrina will come back. but i don't know as what. i don't know whether she change to positive person or want to take revenge.i hope not. please, let Nur find her happiness with Adam.

Dear LJ,
when will the 'My Fair Lady" drama come to its end. i hope Kang Hyena will end with Butler Seo. i did't mean that lawyer (what his name?i forgot.maybe i ate toooo many ants) not good enough. but i think Butler Seo is more suitable to Hyena.


~end of words~

random things, anime, akanishi jin, kdrama, jdrama

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