#113 Back to school? ><"

Mar 06, 2012 00:29

Today, I started my new semester. T____T It is my last semester before I can graduate. I'm a final year student now but I still feel there're a lot of things that I need to learn to be a good accountant or auditor. Learning is an on- going process. It will never end until our last breath. Pheuw...

I rent a house near my university with three of my classmates. We will go to class together with my car. Hahaha...I'm a bad driver.

Today, it started with raining. We need to 'climb' that Bukit Tongek. Only people at my university what does it mean. Hahaha...The lift still not working. Usually there will be three lifts but today, two of it are under maintenance which I don't know when it will done. Our class at level 8. We came early. After more than an hour waiting, the lecturer still not coming. We decided to go to the office for several purposes.

My second class was at lecture hall. It's cold. THANK GOD! The lecturer still not teaching yet but we already get a case to study. Oh yeah, without any reference book. Life so great. The tutorial is tomorrow. Great huh? It finished early.

Then we went home. I slept. Argh...too tired for the first day. We still have class at 4. We came at 3.30pm. Again, the lecturer still not come yet. What a day. Our class is at level 7. Argh...

Today, what we learn? EXERCISE!!!! I'm sure I can be slim on my graduation day. Hahaha

I just finished read the case. A Delima. Hmm...My friends already sleep and I'm still here.

Even my house has internet connection and I also have my own broadband but I'm sure my time here will be less. I might still can tweet at twitter because I can do that using my phone. But to open LJ using my phone...I'm a lazy girl.

I can't wait for this coming March, 23. When it will come??? Ayu, I love you. You are my party QUEEN. No matter who you are, I'm still love you. Please don't be sad and feel alone anymore.

That's it for now. See you later ♥


random things, ayumi, uni's life, my life, myself

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