#107 It's October now <3

Oct 02, 2011 11:15

#1 Today is October 2nd, 2011. Happy birthday to my aunt and my LOVE, Ayumi Hamasaki. Both are awesome adult woman who inspire me to face the world.

#2 It's October now. I don't know why but I'm happy for the month. End of this month, AKB48 (I keep make typo by write it as AKB49. Who is another one? Me? XD) will release their 23th single. I saw the album jacket. It's beautiful. Maybe I have special spot for black/white or dark pictures. The PV is simple. It's totally different from their usual PV. I have problem to recognize my favorites among those 16/21 girls with the same outfits. I wonder why they make such a PV like that. Then I know that. They make this single as a dedication for the Tohoku disaster. Previously, they release digital single and the profit, they give to the victims as donation.

Many of the artists use their own way to express their heart toward the victim. I don't know about others. Yoshiki from X-Japan give his favorite piano for an auction. For people who don't know about the piano history maybe think it's just a piano but for us, X-family. We all know how precious the piano. It's made special for Yoshiki. Everytime I see he plays with the piano, my heart go wild. Sound crazy, right?

And for Ayu, she gives her donation. I don't remember the exact amount but I know it's a BIG amount.

#3 I just read a post in a comm. The user share his thought about fan/hater which manage to get my attention. The different is he talked about SNSD and I mean for general. The words are EXACTLY what I think but I don't know how to epxress it into words. So, XD let me share it with you. (A/N: I change some of it to fit with my situation. Not only about certain group)

Here it is:

October 2011 has officially started. It promises to be a fantastic month. That said I want to share some thought that is related to popularity as an artist or group.

Let's talk in general. I have been a fan for Jpop since years. People keep asking me who is my favorite. Until now, I still can't find the right answer. My interest keeps changing. For example, my first love is Utada Hikaru but now it changes to Ayumi Hamasaki. It doesn't mean I didn't listen to others. NOPE! Maybe I like the song/music but not so into the artist. Even for Ayu, my knowledge about her still below from what my friends know. They know MORE than me. There is no doubt their popularity is immense. But as we all know such an artist/group will also have lots of haters. It ends up in a battle between fans and haters with 'inhuman' outcomes as well.

As for artist in group, I like AKB48, X-Japan and KAT-TUN (6). I love all of them for the way they are. As a fan (I don't think I should claim myself as a fan of KAT-TUN. Sorry for the inconvenience) I'm OK with others who disagree. You are entitled in your opinion. But the freedom of opinion is abused when it is not expressed constructive and with respect. Everyone has a vision but you are not the only one in this world. Minding others shows that you care to be thoughtful in the words you pick to express yourself.

However 'haters' really take it too personal. I don't see a reason to hate and continuously harassing an artist. Second did that artist ever harmed you? Sometimes you need to take some distance and have a look at yourself. You would be badly surprised you have shown a horrible and scary version of yourself. This is what we call reflection. It is important to reflect and change yourself for the better.

Some of the 'haters' say they are 'protecting' their favorite by saying it. They just can't stand still and watch others talk bad about their favorites. So, they start spreading their 'opinion'. Dear, let me tell you something. Even it's your opinion. Even you just post in your own personal journal but this is internet. The moment you enter this 'world', it's mean you are taking a risk that you might share it with others.

You expect others to respect you but what you did? If you say you have the right to express your opinion then don't 'bark' to everyone, say that people hurt you.

I wonder, when you are doing that, have you ever think about what others feel? Others here can be your friends, your enemy and maybe strangers. Are you 100% sure that no one is hurted? Are you sure 100% that everyone can accept it? Please, I'm in different fandoms for years. Even we like the same artist but it doens't mean they can accept it.

One day you are my friend. Who knows the next second, you become my enemy. The reason is because we don't share the same interest. When it happen, I wonder why you want to be my friend. Is it only because previously we are same, like the same artist? Is it because I am me? Is it because you can accept me as your friend? But then why we are not friend anymore? The time we spend together (not in real meaning as TOGETHER in real life but more to ...y'know what I mean, right?), is it not enought to make your heart be soft? So you only friend with people that share the same like with you. When we are different, you throw them away. Is it what you mean? Then, is it 'friend', dear friend?

Hate has never been good. It consumes your entire life and you are blindfolded while you think you are not. You are the judge! You are always right! The same could be said for obsessive fans. We are humans and we are complicated emotional beings. That is why I propose to never be too extreme. Take some distance in a while. Trust me, fandom is not our everything. It might fade as we grow older.  Don't make others think you are childish compare to your true age. Reflect. Then comeback and it might give you a new perspective.

Shortly summarized.

If you hate an artist or group stop doing it. It not harms others but most importantly it also harms yourself. Everyone has opinions so you could choose to like or not like. If you don't like it, that is fine. Just move on with your life and keep discovering the things you do like to enrich your lifestyle.

Fans keep supporting your idol. Try not to get yourself into wars. Be supportive and never demand what directions your 'idol' should make. Your idol is also just a human.

Yours truly,

Cr: alluremoon

#4 Last week, I got my Ayu's 'Countdown Live 2010/2011 ~do it again~' My collection is bigger now. Next, I can't wait to buy Ayu's 2012 official calendar. I will buy it.

(My collection 2007- September 24th, 2011. I know it's not as many as others but I'm proud with it. I collect it one by one)

#5 Seriously, I can't wait for November 30th, 2011. I posted in my facebook because I know my real friends are there. They know what I mean but then I forget about the date to KAT-TUN fans. XD It's not because I'm waiting for 'Birth' but I'm officially end my internship by that day. For KAT-TUN, good luck for your coming single. And for me, good luck to end it. WOOT to myself.

#6 I still don't know what to buy for my own birthday. I always buy something for myself. Last year, I bought KAT-TUN CUW. This year, the release date is near to my birthday. Should I buy it again? Or maybe I can buy something else but what? When I asked that question to my mom, she said why don't buy Ayu's calendar. But then I replied, the calendar is on November. My birthday is on December.

My dear friends, any idea?

#7 I found two different mood theme. I'm using KAT-TUN mood theme. Don't ask me how I put it since I also forget when and how it exist in my own journal. Then I feel like to change it. I like Midori's current mood theme. Princess Disney. It has Cinderella, Jasmine...who else? XD But then I saw in Gossip Girl's comm, about GG mood theme. I'm in dillema. I don't know which one to use. Hahaha... Is there any Ayu's graphic mood theme? If yes, maybe I'll use it.

~End of the words~

utada hikaru, ayumi, x-japan, picture, kattun, random things, akb48, jpop, my life

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