New, better-organized list of my fannish productions over the past couple of years, in chronological order. Updated 22 December 2010.
Note: all of my fanfic is now also
on the Archive Of Our Own - feel free to read and comment there.
Stage Beauty
The Silent WomanPG-13, 1450 words. Edward Kynaston makes his debut, on and off the London stage. Written for Yuletide 2011.
Lev Grossman - The Magicians
The Head That Wears the CrownPG, 1200 words. Eliot enjoyed being king. Written for Yuletide 2011.
Dorothy Dunnett - Lymond Chronicles
QueeningG, 450 words. AU where Christian Stewart survives, written for Yuletide Madness 2011.
Gregory Maguire - Wicked Years series
The Guardian of Gates and Doors R, 4400 words, Liir/Trism. Post-Son of a Witch, written for Yuletide 2007.
Three Further CodasPG, 660 words, multi. Fix-it set after Out of Oz and highly spoilery for that novel.
Naomi Novik - Temeraire
A Voyage of DiscoveryPG, 3600 words, Laurence/Tharkay. Three moments of obliviousness on the journey to Australia, written for Yuletide 2009.
written for the Temeraire kink meme:
Laurence/Tharkay + handjobs, Tharkay receiving (R)
an inset for That Scene in Victory of Eagles. (PG)
Post-episode ficlet project:
WinG, 400 words. (Was "Untitled ficlet".)
Client RelationsG, 430 words. Harvey and Mike end up in a Canadian Shack.
The Devil's Whore
Like Committed Linnets PG-13, 700 words, Sexby/Angelica. Written after episode 2.
untitled commentfic PG-13, 350 words, Sexby/Angelica. Written after episode 3 and trailers.
Not Honour MorePG, 1200 words, Sexby/Angelica. AU ending, written after the last episode.
Gentlemen of Fortune R, 9700 words, Sexby/Angelica. The epic highwayman!AU, taking off from a scene in episode 2.
Ellen Kushner - Swordspoint
An Anatomy of the World PG-13, 3900 words, Richard/Alec. First meeting story, written for Yuletide 2008.
Megan Whalen Turner - Queen's Thief series
EpithalamiumPG, 1200 words, Attolia/Eugenides. A Pindaric ode in honour of a wedding, written for Yuletide 2009.
Sherlock Holmes (Book canon/Russian TV version)
The Sublime and the BeautifulPG, 1600 words, Holmes/Watson. Set during "The Final Problem"/"The Empty House".
due South
Proper PreparationG, 700 words, gen. RayK pre-"Burning Down the House".
Life on Mars
The Freakiest ShowG, 1200 words. Crossover with Doctor Who.
Subjective Idealism: Five Things at the End of the Rainbow PG, 2200 words. Gen, post-finale.
Tanglewood Tree R, 1300 words, Pullo/Vorenus. Set during 2x04.
But in the suburbs PG-13, 1400 words, Pullo/Eirene & Vorenus. Missing scene for 2x03.
Pax Augusta R, 1500 words, Pullo/Vorenus. Futurefic, written before the end of the show.
Wheel of Fortune R, 900 words, Pullo/Vorenus. Post 2x07.
Incipit vita nova PG, 900 words, gen. Post-finale.
Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods G, 1800 words, Pullo & Octavian (Augustus). Futurefic.
Terra Firma PG, 300 words, Pullo/Vorenus. Post-finale, Yuletide stocking stuffer.
Battlestar Galactica 2003
Song for St. Cecilia R, 3300 words, ensemble. Futurefic written after "Epiphanies" in S2.
JerusalemUK Political RPF, David Cameron & Boris Johnson
My Medea Dollhouse, Firefly/Serenity, Buffy, meta.
DroughtThe Devil's Whore, Angelica.
Candleburn The Devil's Whore, Edward Sexby.
Northwest Passagedue South, Fraser-centric.
Ordinary Day due South, Fraser/RayK implied.
Disappearing ManHeroes, ensemble, though 1x17.