Title: Perhaps Love
Length: Two Shot (2/2)
Author: yunholover
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jaeho, Yoosu
Summary: I think about you day and night, my heart beats faster and faster as soon as I see you, I smile to myself as soon as I think of you, perhaps this is love? (Sucky summary >.<)
Part 1 Part 2 Title: Snow
Genre: Angst, bit of fluff
Length: One shot
Rating: PG
Author: yunholover
Summary: I don't have one, LOL XD.
Disclaimer: I own them ^^ they're locked up in my closet right now *dodges flying rock* fine I don't.
“Jaejoong, it’s snowing again.” I've finally decided to post the one shots here onto my journal XD
Like I said, I signed up for livejournal about a year now and I've just recently learned how all the things are. Yes I'm slow like that, LOL.