happy new year!

Jan 01, 2006 15:32

The past couple of weeks have been a blurrrrr. Hang on ... it's going to be a BUMPY ride, but first, some housekeeping.

1. School
* After fretting about my grades, I found out I got all A's!!! This is a college first for me! I mean, I somehow managed to eke out a 4.0 in high school, but with this past semester being the most difficult of them all, my GPA is so rewarding.

* As for next semester, I'm really looking forward to my classes, but I still have not secured an internship for Gender Studies. I have contacted my professor about it, but we keep playing phone tag. Life is so hard sometimes, isn't it? If I don't have it within the next week I'm going to check the course catalog and find another class.
SIDE NOTE: Neither my internship with TownHall LA nor my job with Grassroots Campaigns have materialized. I don't know what's going on with them. They haven't responded at all one way or another, and I'm starting to get really worried. I called TownHall LA and found out that they have been closed since December 22 for the holidays. SIGH!

2. Personal
* After our last unsatisfying encounter on campus, I ran into Jesse again three times in one day on campus. It turns out that although he's technically graduated, he may just be taking another class or two at USC next semester. GREAT. SUPERB. OUTSTANDING. Just when I think that I'm going to get some much needed closure, he comes back into my life. Can't I just be free?! I'm not ready to do the friends thing and I'm not ready to do the seeing him occasionally on campus thing either. Oddly, my horoscope for this month said that someone that I once cared for will come back into my life and ask for a second chance. Do I smell a connection? Oh no, that's just a pile of shit.

* I emailed my ex-best friend again to basically say that if she wants to be friends again, then she has to stop trying to save me and to think that I'm in need of saving because I'm gay. She responded and I'm still processing, but from what I glean from a cursory glance, she just wants to let me know that she luvs me and that everything she's doing is out of luv. Her email was still filled with references to "sexual immorality" even though she said that homosexuality isn't the worst sin. I'm still unclear about how I want to proceed. I do luv her with all my heart, but not when I feel like she doesn't accept me with all of hers. My heart and soul hurt from all this thinking and worrying.

* I went clubbing at Arena, the club where Tigerheat is held, on a couple of Wednesdays ago. That whole nite was random: dinner at a kick-ass Thai restaurant on Hollywood, boba near campus, quick kine changing, and then off to the club. We were greeted by a security guard who took one look at me and my two girlfriends and said, "This isn't Tigerheat." Well NO SHIT HOMOPHOBIC SHERLOCK. On Wednesdays, the club holds a hip-hop/reggaeton/salsa nite that doesn't directly cater to homosexuals. So fuckin what?! There were more faeries there than a Harry Potter book. Although surprisingly, I had that attitude going in, but once I was in, I still restrained my dancing because there were a lot of straight thugs there. I mean, the whole bit: thick down jackets with faux fur hoods looking like black Eskimos, shirts that sag down to their knees like they were ashamed to show their dicks, pants that sag down to their knees like they were getting blowjobs, and a leering look whenever a fag couple strolled by. It was straight out of a rap video. There were even slutty Latinas getting their freaks on with each other in a very NON-lesbian way. There weren't that many hot guys there, but the ones who were there were, in the infamous words of Jim Carrey's "The Mask," "SMOKIN!" There was one tall built guy with dark hair who was wearing dark sunglasses [what will I guess become my new club accessory] and Man Uggs [what weill I guess become my new club pet peeve]. There were also two old guys and one younger hotshot stud who for some reason reminded me of gay porn sites scouting for new recruits ... hmmmm

* I attended the USC Office of Admission's annual Holiday Party and came home with a lot. Held in the Radisson's ballroom, the festivities included a scrumptious lunch, a random game of hot potato involving an oversized pine cone that won me a bottle of sparkling apple cider and a snowman, and a wild gift exchange that yielded a nice package of Trader Joe's vodka chocolates.
SIDE NOTE: The new guy at work that I'd been lusting over was there and looking hot as usual. He was actually the one who brought the chocolates. I'd been trying to add him on facebook [call me obsessed or a stalker if you want], but he hadn't added me. I was planning on confronting him about it, but the moment never presented itself. Finally, I messaged him on facebook and he responded. I immediately looked at his profile to see his sexuality, and he is ... dun dun dun ... STRAIGHT [as Jake Gyllenhaal or Heath Ledger]. So, there goes that idea.

Now, for a winter vacation breakdown:

[December 17]
* Rode the train down to meet my sister in the O.C. [yes, just like that stoopid show]
* We bought my parents the Lost Season 1 DVD and met them at the airport after getting lost.
* We rode back to the hotel we would be staying at, the Ramada, and found FIVE BABY COCKROACHES in the bathroom!
SIDE NOTE: I HATE cockroaches enough already, but to find them in the BATHROOM in just appalling. The Ramada is not a classy hotel by any means, so I guess I shouldn't necessarily be surprised to find some cockroaches in there, but still! Aren't bugs in the bathroom THE WORST?!
* We had dinner at the luxurious Carrow's, which makes Denny's look like the Grand Lux Cafe.
* Then we watched "King Kong" at Downtown Disney. Don't read ahead if you haven't seen the movie ... spoilers
The very movie that inspired Peter Jackson to make films has now been remade in his own decadent fashion. I use "decadent" in the most complimentary way, but this movie, which tops out at over three hours, was a cinematic extravaganza of excess. If ever there was a popcorn movie, then this movie is it.

With dramatic acting from the incomparable Naomi Watts, the avaricious Jack Black, the heroic Adrien Brody, and of course the big ape himself; cinematography that captures a Depression-era New York full of Hoovervilles and the final tear-jerking Empire State Building scene and Kong's forbidden jungle laden with gigantic dinosaurs, man-eating insects, and the tribe that sacrifices Naomi Watts' character to Kong; and cutting edge animation and special effects, Peter Jackson truly triumphs with this movie.

Still, the movie is all of these beautiful things, but only slightly melted my heart at the climax. If we're looking for Best Picture nominations, "Kong" could definitely be one of them, but compared to, say, "Brokeback Mountain," this movie is comparatively not groundbreaking nor emotional [granted, I am biased].

I was hoping for more of a response at the end of the movie from Naomi Watts' character when Kong plummets to his death. Blessed with her vaudeville acrobatic skills and genuine warmth, she melted the heart of the beast, but when he dies, her reaction transfers from the big ape to the big man, Adrien Brody [for all the shit he goes through for her, give the man a medal!]. Perhaps she, much like the rest of the viewers, were tired at the end of the movie - exhausted from the three hour journey that not only kicks "Jurassic Park" in the balls for dinosaurs but eclipses the many other remakes of this movie by far. This is definitely filmmaking at its most decadent.
* My dad, who has severe sleep apnia, forgot his breathing assisting machine in Alaska was kinda freaked out because he could spontaneously stop breathing and die.

[December 18]
* Went shopping at Target.
* Ended up being ALMOST late for the Kiev Ballet's production of the "Nutcracker" that was held at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Not only did we forget the tickets at the hotel room [though not a problem because we used the will call booth] but we got lost TWICE getting there. The ushers told us that if the symphony had ended then we wouldn't be able to be let in until the one and only intermission halfway through the ballet. We rushed into the ballet and grabbed seats that were all far away from each other. I ended up sitting in the far corner on the stage right side, only being able to see half of the stage well. Also, my glasses were broken because only one of the ear support things was attached. The ballet guys weren't that hot, but they were UBER-talented. Especially the Russian dancer who did many gravity-defying leaps.
* Afterwards, we gradually made our way over to California Adventure and went on two
1. Soarin Over California
* Just a minor lift up in front of a large movie screen that showcases beautiful scenery around California's many biospheres. Highlight: passing over an orange grove and getting spritzed with orange scented spray.
2. Tower of Terror
* I luv this ride. You go slowly up several stories and then plummet back down and then quickly go back up and down a couple more times. I went on it in Florida's Disneyworld, and they just got it in California. Such a thrill! I even kept my arms up the whole time!
* Tried to go to Disneyland, but couldn't make it because the fireworks display just ended and there was a mass exodus out of the park, so we decided to call it a nite.

[December 19]
* Spent the morning at California Adventure and went on more
1. Grizzly River Run
* Just a nice, cute water rafting ride that I went on with my mom who HATES heights [ergo, roller coasters]. We got pretty wet. We went on it with this cute older boy and his younger brother - aww that just adds to the hotness when he takes care of his younger brother like that.
2. Maliboomer
* This is kinda similar but also kinda different from the Tower of Terror. Instead of going up slowly, you start the ride by going up 180 feet at breakneck speed and then plummet back down and up a couple more times. MUCH more thrilling than the Tower of Terror. I was definitely more scared on this one.

Most of the other rides were either closed down or currently being repaired, so we couldn't go on anymore. SAD!
* Spent the early afternoon at Disneyland. Since I've been to Disneyland before, this wasn't AS big of a thrill. Plus, Disneyland tends to be more for younger children and their families than for teenagers or college students with their families, in my opinion. But we did go on one ride that I can't remember the name of. I dunno, Disneyland isn't that exciting to me anymore. Am I that jaded? We were going to go on the Indiana Jones one, but everything was more than an hour wait, so we said, "FUCK THAT!" and left.
* Bought our mom some crystal statues of dolphins and Mickey Mouse for Christmas that we somehow lost.
* Drove to Knott's Berry Farm and the Knott's Berry Farm Resort Hotel, but we couldn't check in yet so we just dropped off our luggage.
* Drove up the 405 North all the way from Orange County to Northridge to have dinner with our cousins, where my sister and I spent Thanksgiving. We had an awesome lasagna dinner and some good conversation, assisted by our good friend WINE.
* Returned home to our luxurious hotel room that made the Ramada look like a hovel.

[December 20]
* Spent the day at Knott's Berry Farm, which was empty compared to Disneyland. Whereas Disneyland has a whole franchise behind it, KBF is more Wild West based. Not sure if I like it all that much, but still there was NO waiting for rides, which was nice. If the theme parks in California had a popularity contest, Knott's Berry Farm would be the loser. We did
1. Xcelerator
* I luv this ride! Unlike most other roller coasters, you start out fast and go up sharply and plummet 20 stories before taking all other kinds of corkscrews, turns, and other stomach-churning dips all within 25 seconds.
2. Wheeler Dealer Bumper Cars
* These weren't that fun because half the time you didn't even have control over the cars. But bumper cars are fun no matter what, I guess.
3. Silver Bullet
* I went on something similar like this in Japan and Six Flags. You sit in chairs that you are suspended from. You go up slowly and drop quickly, going upside down, twisting and turning, and all the while feeling the G forces while suspended. Funtimes!
4. A Christmas Carol
* We saw a short [30 minute] production of "A Christmas Carol." The play was performed very quickly, with limited costuming and set changes, but lots of quality acting. Although at times I did kind of feel like I was transported back to my high school drama days.
5. Snoopy's Christmas On Ice
* This was a great ice skating show. Even though there were some mistakes during the actual performance, these skaters were really talented. This show was set in an auditorium where the stage was a mini ice skating rink with lots of extensive set changes and great musical numbers that would make a Broadway show proud. The guys were really hot too!
* Left the park and tried to find free internet access at Starbucks only to learn that you have to be a current T-Mobile user to take advantage of their service ... those assholes - clever marketing strategy though.
* Watched "The Family Stone" at a local mall theater. Spoilers
This cute romantic comedy is a more realistic "Meet the Parents." Though surely there are some families out in the world who would make Ben Stiller's in-laws look like saints, this movie just goes to show the difficulties of trying to enter such a close-knit family, especially around a holiday and family illness.

With an all-star cast featuring Diane Keaton's overbearing, bitchy matriarch with terminal breast cancer; Craig T. Nelson's underspoken, steady patriarch with bad timing; Luke Wilson's affable, dead-end party brother; Rachel McAdams' heinous bitch sister; Tyrone Giordano's deaf gay brother in an interracial relationship with Brian J. White's compassionate black lover; Sarah Jessica Parker's neurotic, can't-do-nothing-right prospective in-law; Claire Danes' blonde, worldly sister to SJP; and of course the always delicious Dermot Mulroney's delicious, perfect son who's come to ask for the family stone, Keaton's mother's ring to give to SJP. Of course, when neuroticism meets close-knit families, chaos and oh-no moments abound.

What this movie suffers from is the chronic hopeless Hollywood ending: boy gets girl, except in a roundabout way. SJP doesn't end up with Dermot, but rather with Luke Wilson. Dermot, instead, ends up with Claire Danes, who unintentionally stole him away from her sister. There are no sister-to-sister bitch slaps, no tears shed over the loss of their former luvr, no cries from the audience of "Oh that is CRAP!" Just simple Hollywood madness of a pseudo-romance that diverges into two separate romances. Predictable, but still enjoyable.

[December 21]
* Roamed around the same mall with the theater and shopped at Sear's, buying lots of clothes for interviews and internships.
* Drove up to L.A. and my craptacular apartment.
* Relaxed until we ate at Bistango's.
* Watched "The Chronicles of Narnia" at the University Village [UV] Theater. Again,
Stemming from the recent fad of adapting fantasy books into movies [i.e. "Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter"], "Chronicles" opens up wide yet another possible string of movies based on the C.S. Lewis classic novels. However, this movie, while providing some quality entertainment, does fall into the bibbidy-bobbidy realm of Disney movies.

With many unknown actors [at least in the States] showing off their skills, this movie, which admittedly doesn't really have the charm of "Harry Potter," can't benefit from star power alone. Which makes the performances given by the four children, Georgie Henley [naive but brave Lucy], Skandar Keynes [traitorous but good-hearted Edmund], William Moseley [overbearing but courageous Peter], and Anna Popplewell [overanalytical but caring Susan], all the more wonderful. They are also complemented by Tilda Swinton's icy White Witch, James McAvoy's jovial satyr Mr. Tumnus, and the voice talents of Ray Winstone [Mr. Beaver], Dawn French [Mrs. Beaver], Rupert Everett [Fox], and Liam Neeson [Aslan].

There were many "Aw Shucks" moments that make this movie feel even more puerile. Even after Edmund betrays his family and the cause against the White Witch, he is still welcomed back to his family with no reprieve. You see him getting a talking to by the lion Aslan, but you hear nothing. Also, the battle scenes, while seemingly portraying themselves as epic and oustanding as ones in "Lord of the Rings" seem more like training simulations rather than actual war battles [the movie is rated PG for battle sequences and frightening moments, after all]. Plus, whenever someone withdraws their sword after slaying an enemy, no blood is drawn, as if satyrs and animals don't bleed. The movie is also a front for Christian values. I mean, the resurrection of Aslan alone is symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Regardless, this movie was entertaining, but still does not fall into the same vein as "Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter," but creates its own genre of family- and Christian-friendly folklore ... about magical furniture.

[December 22]
* Went shopping at Target for stuff for my apartment. Including cleaning supplies, food, and a curtain to separate my "bedroom" and my "living room" - yay!
* Picked up my good friend Kenn who is visiting from the East Coast and we jetted to Santa Monica for dinner at Johnnie's, window shopping, and inferences from my parents that we would make a cute couple. I luv him so much though - he's my boy! I did feel kind of bad for my parents because he and I kinda split off from them and just did our own thing, but we need some of that quality time together.

[December 23]
* Lounged around at home and traveled to UV for food and presents.
* Went to the Grove and rewatched "Memoirs of a Geisha." One more
I didn't think about it before, but this movie is just a mask for pedophilia! I mean, I guess you can overlook the fact that Sayuri [Zhang Ziyi] met her future luvr [Ken Watanabe] when she was young and he was already at least in his 20s. Of course when she grows older [only like 16 to 18, I'm sure], he's still at least ten or fifteen years older. Hmmm ... I guess that's not a huge difference, but still that was kinda strange. I guess in Japan older men seem to end up with younger women [or even men in the case of "wakashudou"].

[December 24]
* Shopped more downtown at Robinson's May and Macy's Plaza and got a kick-ass Fossil wallet.
* Came home and opened all of our
* "Fantastic 4" DVD
* Calendar that my dad made with a bunch of family pictures - could've been corny but was actually completely adorable
* Puzzle of a reindeer in a snowy patch that I can put on the wall after finishing
* A grey turtleneck

[December 25]
* Drove all the way up to Arroyo Grande, next to San Luis Obispo to see family friends.
* Ate dinner at Denny's after driving around aimlessly because everything was closed and our family friends were at dinner at their relatives' house.
* The older brother of the family friends is SO hot now. He has a great smile, nice pecs, and eyes so blue that it looks like he's crying when he's in sunlight. Oh, AND he's so smart and wants to go into international economics. SO HOT.

[December 26]
* Woke up early and drove to Hearst Castle for a tour. This place was amazing - it makes the Taj Mahal look like a YMCA. Pools with gold inlay, guest houses almost as large as my family's house in Alaska, "imported" European decor, a dining hall that looks like Hogwarts in "Harry Potter," and so much more. Absolutely incredible. This guy even used to have a zoo with polar bears. It's just sad that he "imported" all of this stuff from Europe. Everything was stolen apparently. He basically raped and pillaged societies, according to our history teacher family friend. How sad that people can't just ASK POLITELY for things.
* Drove up the coast to see sunbathing elephant seals. We saw little black baby seals; piles of fat, smelly mothers; and bellowing males with snouts that look like deflated balloons.
* Had real Santa Maria-style BBQ chicken and some nice wine.
* Went a-hot tubbin with the hottie and his sister.

[December 27]
* Drove back to L.A.
* Did nothing ... haha
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