1sentence challenge, take three!

Sep 12, 2006 17:27

For Clamp Campus Detectives (CCD) this time. This series is so old, you can only find it on VHS. That's right - the era of TAPES, pre-CD/VCD/DVD. Which means you can't find it anywhere else other than on Animax and Youtube about now I think.

You can tell I'm really too far behind times. >>;;; Anyway, this is one of the earlier series drawn by the very well known group CLAMP. Their fun habit of tossing their characters from one series into another, as I just recently found out, is nothing new.

After all, CCD crosses over to Duklyon, X and just recently, Tsubasa apparently.

Anyway, putting all that aside, there are three very prodigious detectives featured in this series. But for now, I introduce you to...

Takamura Suoh. 10 years old in the series, serious, calm, collected, has 3rd dan in judo, aikido, karate and kendo. Has been trained in "various guerilla combat tactics" and the way of the ninja (Takamura family's a clan of elite ninja). Yes, he carries and tosses kunai. Secretary of the Clamp Campus Detectives, he sorts out paperwork and makes sure his president does the same.

...yes, he's ten.

Then, there's his love interest.

Azuya Nagisa. 5 years old in the series, sweet, traditional, very ladylike, plays the flute so well she goes on CONCERT TOURS, has a famous musician for a dad and a dancer for a mom. Talented folk.

...yes, she's five and still in kindergarten.

I love this pairing. It is possibly the most innocent love I have ever seen, probably largely due to the fact that they're SO YOUNG. (They sure don't act it though <<;;;)

That also contributes to the feeling of "...but she's FIVE. And he's TEN. It's.... somehow wrong."

Combated by the feeling of "But they look so RIGHT together. It's LOVELY and so SWEET, it makes your teeth nearly ache."

Conflict of both feelings is traditionally CLAMP so I figure all is well and go with the flow.

And now, (finally) the sentences, from elementary aaaaall the way to adulthood.



01: Air
It is curious how they first meet: a gush of moving air so strong, it requires more than just gravity to keep her grounded - it requires a boy enchanted by the girl of the wisteria.

02: Apples
Whenever Suoh gets too serious for his own good, Nokoru, wearing a too-innocent smile on his face, merely mentions Nagisa-san’s name and Akira almost immediately notices how Takamura-senpai’s cheeks can sport the exact hue of ripe apples.

03: Beginning
If she can go on professional music tours at the age of five, and he’s already achieved third dan in a number of martial arts by the age of ten, who’s to say both can’t get an equally early head start on affairs of the heart?

04: Bugs
A wayward bee gets tangled up in Nagisa’s long lavender locks of hair and Suoh doesn’t laugh at all, merely releasing the insect with a small smile.

05: Coffee
During one of the busier periods of the year, both claim they don’t want to hinder the other in their work - Nokoru, Akira and Utako forcibly pushes the two in the elementary division council room with some small cakes and green tea (both didn’t drink anything but that and water anyway) and locks the door from the outside.

06: Dark
“It would be better if I waited with you till your ride comes, Nagisa-san,” he says since really, it’s getting dark, the school is a bit lonely now that everyone’s gone home, she’s a (extraordinary) five year girl and it wouldn’t be nice to leave her alone…

07: Despair
They all know their age difference won’t matter once they get out of their schooling years but it still doesn’t manage to quell the secret fears Nagisa has when she looks at him and wonders if they’ll make it that far.

08: Doors
“That doesn’t look like our office doors to me, Suoh,” remarks Nokoru with a large grin when the secretary almost enters the kindergarten council office where Utako can be found, and with Utako comes…

09: Drink
They toast the boys’ graduation to junior high, the girls’ own to elementary and when Akira mentions a bright looking future, both Suoh and Nagisa can’t help glancing at each other.

10: Duty
She mentions his duty to protecting Imonoyama-san, he pauses, and then without warning, makes a promise to her: “I also have a duty… to you.”

11: Earth
They’re very careful with requests concerning each other - neither one will put the option of going to the ends of the earth out of their minds so long as they can make the other one happy.

12: End
His two closest friends never ever ask him if he’s stopped thinking about Nagisa since they’re in junior high (they know so much better than that).

13: Fall
She won’t fall from the high places where she practices and even if she does, he’ll be right there to catch her.

14: Fire
“There they go again,” says Utako amusedly and beside her, Nagisa watches the three detectives running across the grounds, taking note of the way Suoh’s eyes seem to blaze.

15: Flexible
They’re not open about their relationship since it’s not their style although sometimes they wonder if it will do a lot of harm just to publicly hold hands on campus.

16: Flying
If Suoh ever feels like flying, he only needs to hear the tune of a flute and his heart soars to new heights.

17: Food
Every once in a while, only Utako doesn’t wonder where Nagisa is duing lunchtime; for their part, Akira and Nokoru feign ignorance whenever anyone asks where Suoh’s gone.

18: Foot
He’s supposed to be protecting the boy but at times, it’s really tempting to put his foot where kaichou’s mouth is whenever the latter mentions Nagisa in that tone of voice.

19: Grave
She tentatively touches him lightly on his arm and almost at once, the stony expression on his face softens into something more peaceful.

20: Green
Nagisa sees a couple of high school seniors walk past and she tries not to feel envious that they'll probably get to see Suoh a bit more often than she does.

21: Head
Despite any growth spurts she goes through, he’s always at least a head taller than her.

22: Hollow
They have their first argument when he enters his first year of high school and she’s in the fifth grade - he’s never felt so devoid of feeling before when it’s all over.

23: Honour
His sense of honour demands that he apologize but it’s she who finds him first; they stand a few feet apart, saying nothing before he blurts out “I’m sorry” and she puts her arms around his neck, murmuring “So am I.”

24: Hope
“You’re going to break quite a few hearts once word gets out you’re not just Nagisa-san’s big brother figure, Suoh,” remarks Nokoru with a trace of sympathy in his amused tone as Suoh stares helplessly at the amount of love letters he’s received that Valentine’s Day.

25: Light
In sunlight, she is nothing less than beautiful but in the moonlight, she is almost ethereal and occasionally, Suoh wonders if he’ll wake up when he sits with her at dusk.

26: Lost
She clings onto the fact that he’s promised she will never lose him when he enters university.

27: Metal
It’s both a curse and a blessing when she watches him practice his throwing skills - somehow or other, one kunai will miss the target by half an inch because he was distracted by the way she smiled at his accomplishments.

28: New
He tries something new and takes her to an amusement park instead of the quiet parks and temples they always go to; in the end, they bring their cotton candy to a nearby lake with bamboo nearby - some things just never change, to both their satisfactions.

29: Old
He catches a glimpse of thirteen year old Nagisa and her friends walking together, sharing a joke, and suddenly being eighteen is too old.

30: Peace
Nokoru smiles to himself, stays quiet and slips away just as silently when he finds Suoh and Nagisa, his right hand protectively placed around her shoulders, watching a flock of birds fly by.

31: Poison
“I wouldn’t leave any for you either,” mutters Suoh when he helps her with a certain passage in her English homework - to which she murmurs blushingly that it will never come to that since her parents like him (for which he is eternally grateful).

32: Pretty
The word didn’t even suffice when she was five, what more now when she’s fourteen?

33: Rain
In a thunderstorm that almost ruined the entire rescue operation, and despite being thoroughly soaked in rainwater and some blood, he pulls her into his arms, heart pounding a near-violent rhythm against his chest at the fact that he had so nearly lost her.

34: Regret
He rarely, if ever, buys anything extravagant but there’s not one whit of regret when he spends a substantial amount on a monogrammed case to keep her flute in.

35: Roses
After one of her performances in Kyoto, Nagisa finds purple hued flowers amidst the red roses; when she comes back to Tokyo and hugs Suoh for all he’s worth, he figures it was indeed worth it having flown there on his own with some wisteria.

36: Secret
In the entire ten years that they’ve known each other, they’ve never kissed each other once.

37: Snakes
One snake is alright, two is still acceptable but when a documentary on TV shows an entire mass of the slithering creatures, he has to change the channel and swallows the laugh that’s threatening to burst out when she buries her face in a cushion.

38: Snow
As it turns out, it’s Nagisa who has to teach Suoh how to ice skate properly.

39: Solid
No one but Nokoru and Akira understand why when they go out with other friends, Suoh never says anything when the topic turns to the subject of girls, and even if pressed, will only say that he’s waiting for the right time.

40: Spring
Somehow the stars seem a lot more beautiful during spring nights, she says and without looking at the sky, he begs to differ: they’re lovely the whole year round.

41: Stable
She leans against him, he brings his arms around from behind to secure her in a hug - it feels like the safest position in the world.

42: Strange
Former classmates wonder why they never saw it before when they see Suoh and Nagisa walking in the streets one day, holding hands and smiling at each other.

43: Summer
Nagisa wearing a two piece swimsuit at the beach for the first time results in Suoh trying not to impale any male who looks at her like that with a well aimed kunai.

44: Taboo
He hesitates, she smiles gently, reminds him that it’s not a taboo anymore, and he nods before bending his head and finally kissing her on her lips.

45: Ugly
Behind a useful shoji, Nokoru and Utako bet on which one their kids will look like more while Akira notes, very wisely, that “Whether they look like Takamura-senpai or Nagisa-san, they’ll sure to be very attractive children.”

46: War
“If you don’t marry that girl later on,” warns his mother upon Nagisa’s departure after having had dinner with the Takamura family, “I will personally see to it that you are barraged with secret training ambushes for the rest of your life.”

47: Water
Four years later, with the waters of the Higashino stream bubbling past them, he asks her very quietly if wisteria fairies can spend their lives with ordinary humans.

48: Welcome
His answer comes in the form of a very welcome, very sweet kiss.

49: Winter
They’re already married two months by next winter even though three friends of theirs insist that they’ve been married much longer than that - sixteen years to be exact.

50: Wood
In the heart of a bamboo grove that is full of memories, twenty eight year old Suoh gazes at the smile that plays on Nagisa’s lips, looks a little lower at the sleeping child in her arms and remembers all that they have been through; there is no treasure in heaven or earth that he would trade for this moment right here.


#31 - I wonder how many people caught this.

Alternate Sentences:

46: War
It’s too dangerous here, he tells her, it will be best if you left Tokyo and she looks at him quietly before shaking his head - if he stays, so does she.

49: Winter
He awakes slowly, blinking at the winter sunlight filtering in through the drapes of the window and when she shifts beside him, seeking his warmth, he turns away from the window and carefully covers her a little more with the blankets to keep her from the cold.

#46 is supposed to refer to X, but since I don’t read the manga and don’t exactly know what goes on, I thought it best if I kept away.

fanfic, 1sentence

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