PoT Ficlet

Sep 01, 2006 15:01

Studying while watching TV doesn't help, but it does get me started. Now whether I get any progress done is another story.

Anyway, aside from the obvious fact that I haven't been studying properly and will perish when finals come around...

Here's a fic.

Rating: G, wouldn't know if it was PG even if you stuck a big fat yellow label on it.

Baiser D'Amélioration

“One of these days, Niou, the teachers may have you arrested for harassing Serah-san like that.”

“Harassing is a really harsh word, Yagyuu. I see nothing wrong with visiting her during lunch.”

“No, nothing at all. However, dragging her to the stairway to have lunch together where you proceed to-”

“Gentlemen don’t see and tell.”

“That’s kiss and tell.”

“Close enough.”

“Nevertheless, she seems a bit distressed at the whole business.”

“…she’s been talking to you, hasn’t she?”

“…as I understand it, she enjoys your displays of affection but out of decorum and decency, and the fact that you don’t seem to listen to her in this matter, she did ask me to ask you to restrain yourself.”

“At least it’s better than Sanada and his girl. The stiff doesn’t even hold her hand.”

“Did it occur to you that she might not want him to?”

“…Yagyuu, when has any girlfriend asked their boyfriend not to at least hold hands?”


“She didn’t ask me not to. She merely didn’t say anything and I took the liberty of reading her thoughts.”

“…obviously Sanada-san hasn’t your psychic talents.”

“…he probably doesn’t even know how to kiss her.”

“…Niou, I find it disturbing that you would ponder such a subject.”

“Hey I’m bored. And you have to admit: it’d be worth good money to see him make a move on Hoshiko-san in public.”

“The wisest thing to do would be to save your yen for something more likely to happen.”

“Such as?”

“Such as us being punished for tardiness. It’s high time we got to the courts.”

“Okay, okay…”

The clubroom door closed. And a shadow detached itself from behind the lockers where it’d stood unseen.

Minutes later, Niou and Yagyuu found themselves running thirty extra warm up laps for being “distracted and unfocused”.


The vice captain of Rikkai Dai’s tennis team turned towards Renji who nodded, with a hint of a smile, at the person heading towards them. He looked up and felt some tension seep out of him into the ground.

“Sanada-kun, Yanagi-san.”

Renji nodded politely. “Hoshiko-san, konbanwa. You’ve finished your activities already?”

The girl smiled widely. “It was just a short meeting. And since I have time, I decided to come and watch you practice. If that’s okay.”

Renji glanced at Sanada and smiled. “I don’t see why not. There’s only fifteen minutes left, isn’t that right, Genichirou?”

Sanada nodded stiffly despite himself. “Stay outside the fence though.”

Hoshiko laughed and patted her boyfriend on the shoulder. “Sanada-kun, I definitely know better than to step inside. Don’t worry.”

He felt her fingers through the sleeve of his shirt and could do nothing but nod until she walked towards the courts, waving to some people who called out to her.

Sanada watched her go all the while before speaking. “…Renji.”


There was a moment of stiff hesitation, some kind of tightness that hung in the air. Then…

“Refresh my memory. What were the chances of her and me becoming a couple last time?”

“…as I recall, 40.5%. But then, that was before your excursion into town with her during the festival. After that it shot up to 83.5%.”

Renji continued on, as if consulting invisible statistics. “The way you’re doing now, it is a 69.5% chance you will remain as her kareshi. Granted, relationships are harder to gauge than tennis. But I believe those percentages are accurate. However, if you were to take any positive steps in improving those chances…”


The data specialist knew better than to question that tone of “hmm.” He just smiled to himself.

It was already sundown when Sanada emerged from the Rikkai tennis team clubhouse. He spotted the familiar figure waiting and with a tinge of guilt, walked a little faster.

Hoshiko never gave him any time to apologize. “Let’s go.”

Nodding, he also noted that she never took his hand or insisted he take hers as she fell into step beside him. Her narrations on the day’s events and how many things sensei had demanded of her and her classmates went over his head as Sanada wondered if she could be content with their non-tactile relationship. She would have told him if she was unhappy… right?

It was when they were about fifty yards away from the school gates that he couldn’t stay silent any longer. “…Hoshiko.”

“Then I-” She stopped midway, turning to him. “Yes?”

“…are you alright with this?”

“…with what?”

“I’ve noticed that through out the few months we’ve already been together… we’ve never really done what is traditional of… couples.”

Hoshiko’s eyebrows rose. “…traditional?”

“Holding hands, having lunch together, and such… even if we are walking back together… I’m aware that this might not be acceptable to…” Sanada frowned suddenly and stopped midway through his painstakingly careful explanation. “What is so funny?”

It took a few moments for her to wrestle her laughter under control. With a shaky grin, she shook her head at him. “S, Sanada-kun… in case you haven’t noticed, neither you nor I are the ‘traditional’ sort of boyfriend and girlfriend.”


She laughed again, stepping closer to him. “It’s not necessary, all that… stuff about holding hands and heart shaped bentos and what not. I’m happy with the way things are. Besides,” Hoshiko’s eyes gleamed in amusement. “If you did all those things, I’d wonder if you were having a fever that day. It’s not you, Sanada-kun.”


Her smile was wide. “Stick to your own style. That’s more than enough.”

Relief, warm blessed relief, washed away the tension and worry from that previous overheard conversation in the locker room. “…thank you.”

She grinned and they continued walking onwards.

However, if you were to take any positive steps in improving those chances…

It took Sanada at least fifteen seconds to reach a decision. He reached out and encircled Hoshiko’s wrist with his hand, stopping her and making her look up in puzzlement.

That puzzlement just fizzled out into nothingness when she felt Sanada press his lips against hers. By that time, the sun had set halfway, and fading sunlight glinted off them, dimly illuminating their second kiss. The first, known to no one but themselves, had occurred weeks ago when they first got together. A faint thought about Sanada and cherry stems and knots flitted through Hoshiko’s mind before dissolving completely.

They parted, her staring at him, he wondering if he would regret being impulsive.

He knew, at the look of the slow smile beginning to cross her face, it’d been the right thing to do.

And Renji, discreetly watching from a good distance away, chalked up 69.5 to 96.5%.


Disclaimer: PoT (c) Konomi Takeshi. Hoshiko (c) technically Axtar.

...I think I butchered Niou. And Sanada. And Renji. *headdesks*

In any way connected to this? Well, I really wouldn't know...

pot, fanfic

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