PoT Fic

Jun 18, 2006 23:32

Because plunnies were overactive and needed something to nibble on. Geeh... one of thoese written-because-I-just-wanted-to-write-SOMETHING stories. Half the time, that approach produces pretty good reads. Unfortunately, this one doesn't really hit the mark. =___=;;;

Set within the same universe as this AU fic I wrote some time earlier.

Doesn't Last

“None of the new guys know respect nowadays. Nor do they understand the code.”

Oyabun doesn’t look at him, still puffing on his cigarette and looking out onto the sunset, past the open windows.

“Think we’re a bunch of barbarians, just going around threatening every Tom, Dick and Harry for yen, extorting people who can’t even pay for their own rice? Bullshit.”

He takes a long drag and releases the smoke, as if releasing his own regrets out into the wind.

“We protect our streets, we respect the people within our streets and we give hell to anyone who dares to cross this area with any intention to mess things up. And we use any means of doing it. Even if it means we’re officially criminals. Worked on that principle since I joined Seigaku-gumi… what, ten years ago?”

The tall bespectacled teen behind him, looking too severe for his young age and feeling just the same, wonders where this is all going. He’s just come to announce he wants to leave. What’s oyabun doing, telling him this already understood laws of their gang?

“You and the new bunch of misfits that’ve shown up though… you guys seem to understand that. You most of all, as I’ve noticed.”

“…so what if I do?”

The question goes unanswered. The leader removes the cigarette from between his teeth, throws it down, crushes it beneath his heavy black shoe. He stands tall, towering at the height of six feet.

“I know what it’s like to be betrayed for the first time. You think, forget that principle of looking out for other people - they don’t care about it. Why should I?”

He feels the bullet wound in his arm ache, a result of being left behind by that so-called comrade who’d said he’d back him up.

“I won’t stop you if you decide to leave. Kami-sama knows, no one would want or be able to. You’d give no one the relief of dying after being beaten to the ground by a brat of eighteen. And the freedom you get after leaving? It sticks around. When you’re a part of this world, you get to find out that real freedom doesn’t last. But let me assure you, kid.”

He can somehow imagine oyabun’s eyes, calm but searing right into his soul, as the gang leader looks at him.

“Seigaku-gumi would be losing its next leader.”

No matter how stoic he looks naturally, the shock runs through him like an electric wave, causing his facial expressions to mirror his feelings. “…Oyabun-?”

Yamato smirks. “It’s not easy choosing a successor. But I’ve been in this business too long not to trust my instincts.”

He is silent, still staring. He’d wanted to quit. And now he’s told he’s going to be Seigaku-gumi’s next boss.

He frowns and can't help but feel he's been pigeon holed into feeling responsible.

Yamato-oyabun laughs at his sudden change of expression. Long and loud. “Consider yourself lucky. My own predecessor didn’t give me the luxury of an advance warning - right after he got shot, he pointed at me and said I’d damn well take over the Seigaku-gumi or risk being haunted for the rest of my miserable life. Can’t deny a man his dying wish.”

The grin on his boss’s face widens.

“Still feel like quitting?”

He can still hear that question, ringing in his mind. It’s like an open challenge, a constant reminder. When they lose a brother, when they fail to protect their territory, when they’re forced to retreat in a fight… the temptation to answer yes is overwhelming.

But, thinks Tezuka as he sits on his motorcycle on a hill, overlooking the town he’s been fighting to keep under their wing, he’d made his choice. He’d stayed, he’d risen to power and through it all, he’d been supported by nothing but loyalty and brotherhood.

In return, he protects them with his strength, maintains his ground with other gang leaders, makes the tough decisions that he feels won't get them all effectively killed.

He owes them that much to repeat the answer he’d given Yamato-oyabun seven years ago.


With one last look, Tezuka replaces his helmet and starts up the engine to return to his life in Seishun as oyabun.

After all, in this business, real freedom doesn’t last.


And I better get some sleep now before I fall asleep in my lectures tomorrow. Presentations on Tuesday and Wednesday. Somebody shoot meh now. 8D;;;;

yakuza au, pot, fanfic

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