Lawl, trying to relax for sleep and want to jabber.

Sep 18, 2006 05:02

Hehe, funny as I have been very distant from LJ. I'll try to post more and read F-list more too.

Tonight was kinda funny, I saw the box for my Escaflowne Movie: Ultimate Edition and I was like, "ZOMG must watch." WAY TO TAKE ME BACK 6 or 7 YEARS! WOW, now I want to watch the series, Princess Mononoke, the Ruroni Kenshi OAV, Sailor Moon S, Ojamajo and those very very few Anime's which brought me into this sub-culture. If anyone, I'm one of THE FEW people in my large group of friends who watches close to NO anime at all. I think the last anime I gave the time of day to actually watch was Samurai Shamploo {sp?}, but I caught it in the middle of the series and was all, "WTF," so didn't bother to catch it on syndication (it was ONE episode, not even from the start). Was good though, I'll have to rent it from Net Flix. I REALLY don't like the PG-13 and lower animes as much I've noticed. I got into SM because the story line was so effing good, but I could have done with more realism. For example, I watched Narnia yesterday with Gareth (he'd not seen it, kinda made me sad though... didn't enjoy as much as the first time I say it) and... I mean... I KNOW it's a kid's movie, but that movie, IMO, could give kids the impression that, in a huge battle of war (especially mid evil-esque) there is NO BLOOD. I mean, not a drop, not even on a sword that had JUST stabbed a living thing. It was really unbelievable. I mean, Sailor Moon AT LEAST has some blood when someone gets cut. It's not gorey, not in the slightest, it's just realistic. Kids see blood all the time. Anyway, I'm getting off tangent. So yeah, I'm REALLY interested about FMA since MK told me about it, so I'm defiantly going to rent it off Net Flix since I can. I would rather see that then Samurai Shamploo. Never heard a bad word about FMA. My thoughts on stuff like that is if it is REALLY popular... then the creators have done something RIGHT or people wouldn't like it so much. Anyway, I'm sounded like an Anime freak, so I'll stop.

Imma talk about WoW, so if you are OFFENDED by such talk, then don't read. Pretty simple, I'll tell those who claim offense and disgust to a video game when I'm done talking about it.
Want to play WoW less and console games more quite frankly. But with Burning Crusade on the verge of release, I want to get the best gear I can before release and reputation with factions so leveling to 70 will be more of a breeze. And for the record, I loathe, despise, and completely HATE the customer service and over all business practice that I have been privy too in the Blizzard company. It is my opinion that it is THE WORST run company in I have ever heard of, even Enron beats these retards. THey also take the REALLY REALLY short SHORT bus when it costumer service. I mean, really, I emailed the Account Admin service a week ago and I have heard NOTHING back. The Account Admin's JOB is to answer and/or resolve customer's problems/issues/WHATEVER with their account, like an account action. I think they're just there so you THINK that blizzard actually considers you a person who wants answers. They're utter fuck heads and I hope they fucking die in a fire. They HAVE no customer service, so why use the facade like they do.

ANYWAY, I got my Dragonstalker shoulders tonight!!! OMFG I've waiting like 4 months for those things!!! AND MY COMPETITION GOT BOOTED FOR ME!!! SO THEY WERE ALL MIIIIIIIIIIIIINE *cackles* Yeah. AND NOW! For some screen shot fun!
Screenshot #1
After I found out about Steve Irwin's death, I went on WoW to do a silly sort of tribute
Screenshot #2
Like I said, I got my new DS shoulders, and they're effing SEXY!
Screenshot #3
My even SMEXIER Vek'lor gloves, they are like... ubar. Though why a pure caster dude, immune to physical attacks would drops gloves like this, I dunno...
Screenshot #4
I got stuck in Time Lapse like this... it was pretty sexy IMO considering I usually look retarded when it casts.
Screenshot #5
I got punted onto the light post in UD Strat while griding for Naxx attunment, I found it amusing.

I'm hot.

/end Warcraft talk

So I've noticed that my spelling and typing has started to get better over the last few months. Like, when I bother to even use spell check, fewer and fewer misspelled/mistyped words show up! This is good. Yet another reason I should be worshiped IMO. Get on it.

AND I AM NOT A PUMPKIN! WHOEVER STARTED SUCH OUTRAGEOUS RUMORS WILL BE PUNISHED, Duncan. Just you wait. It will be pretty bad for you, mark my word.

retro anime, wow, pumpkin, spelling

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