tagged by
riseabovethiss <3
1. What are your reasons for having a LJ?
Post Graphics ( Fukikomu <3). Keep in touch with my friends lifes.
2. What do you do before bedtime?
Watch TV or lisen to my IPOD
3. What would you do with a million dollars?
Donate most of it to help homeless animals and get myself a good size house and have my girlfriends live with me
4. What is the city of your dreams and why?
Whichever city Leland Chapman is living in <3 Y? Have u SEEN leland chapman!?! HES SOO FRECKIN HAWWTT!
5. (replaced question) What one show from your childhood you would want back on TV again?
S Club 7.
haha. I love their music and miss that show <3 ;-;
6. What are five things that have made you happy lately?
Amanda <3
Britney Spears
The fact im going to Flordia to swim with dolphins in 3 weeks!
Burn Notice ( AMMMAZING SHOW!! U have to check it out. Its on USA)
My online friends
7. Do you trust easily?
I tend to trust most of the people i meet at first. But once sumone hurts or betrays me, i dont ever tend to trust them again.
8. What is your earliest memory?
Barbies <3 haha. But acccorading to my mom, the earlest memory she has of me is that when my dad held me for the first time, i peed on him... hehe :P
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Evan...... hes got me goin insane!
10. What is your best quality?
The fact i can dance like a retard in front of hundreds of people in a public place like a mall and not care what people think.
11. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Goldfish! There soo YUMMY!
12. Where are you in 5 years?
Hopefully im gonna be finishing up school and have my own place and have a VERRYYY SMEXY Boyfriend ;p
13. Do you have any weird talents?
According to my friends, everything i do is werid. lol
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
UMMM. Lets c.
She is pretty much the most amazing person to ever be born into this world!! haha She is the sweetest person and i love that all the things i keep serectly from my friends at home are things she loves to!( anime, VG, graphics, pixel art) I feel so happy and just myself when i talk to her. I've had soo many friends come n gona in the past 18 years, and i can tell shes gonna be one of the few to stay till the end.
Shes my Sis <3
15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Married but poor.
16. Name a food that you absolutely hate.
Every vegtable. Im such a picky eatter.
17. What's better, to give or to receive?
TO give
18. What is your oldest userpic and why has it survived when you deleted others?
A rasler/ashe icon. Y? Becuas its a Rasler and Ashe icon ;p hehe. I adore them!
19. What would you do if you (or your girlfriend) became pregnant unexpectedly?
Keep the baby but have my parents raise him/her till i am able to take on that kinda responsibilty.
20. ( rewritten question) If you were a famous actress, what kinda movie would u wanna star in?
I would wanna be in a fantasy action movie. Not like Star Wars or Star Trek. But a real fantasy movie with kingdoms, princes, princesses, fairys, mermaid, and britney spears ;p haha
tag. Sum might have already been.
fmlyhm_x3 la_xhal ishie07 ttrulytt dark_fire18