
Oct 12, 2009 21:01

Hey guys. c:
Long time no post~! how is everyone? C:

I am great right now~
Computer is still alive xD getting back to talking to my friends again~ Though it feels like school is sucking up my life, what do i expect I guess xD

BUT! I just saw a new trailor for the movie WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE. Ohmygod. I'm so excited, it brings me back to when i was little. I think it brings just about everyone back xD Even my mum remembers it being read to her when she was little. It really looks like a sweet movie, and I've been waiting for forever so I can't wait to see it *wiggles*

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I feel totally lame that it gets me all teary eyed LOL. but it does. so sweet. <3 Gah can't wait!

but moving on today was my mum's bday <3 happy birthday to her~!
Also... halloween...what's your halloween plans, hm? I"m not doing much. Just going to be dressin up as a sexy teacher LOL and haning out around my house with Mari to hand out candy. We're too old to go Trick-Or-Treating. xD well at least I look too old. She could probably get away with it xD

ALSO~ I got another dolly. *weep* I know guys... I know. This one is a a Unoa Lusis. A doll by the amazing Gentaro Araki. I've always wanted a Unoa, but never thought I'd get one. so It's pretty amazing <3 I'll be sure to get some pictures to post later~

For now, I think I'm going to buzz off and bug my mum then read a little. tootles~

friends, where the wild things are, halloween, movies, mari, birthday, mom

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