*is distracted by nearest shiny object*

Dec 12, 2007 00:10

I turned in my Rebel without a Cause paper 11 hours ago. Between then and now, I've accomplished absolutely nothing.

Okay, well, that's not entirely true. I managed to watch about 20 minutes of Spice World (dude, their pregnant friend is Tosh from Torchwood!) on YouTube and two Law and Order: SVU reruns on USA. I swear the latter began as background noise while I read. I should've remembered that I get pulled into watching every frakkin' time it's on, no matter how many times I've seen the episode.

My concentration is absolutely shot. Someone needs to temporarily take away my internet.

36 hours left to write two papers and study for an in-class final. Oy.

ETA: You know Doctor Who has eaten your brain when "Viva Forever" reminds you of the Doctor. *facepalm*

doctor who, law and order: svu, torchwood, school

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