Happy Birthday, Kaia!

Oct 31, 2007 11:38

Happy, Happy Birthday, my dear darlingsaila! Hope you have a lovely day! *hug*

For everyone else, Happy Halloween! May you all have a fun and safe one filled with pumpkins and costumes and enough candy to stuff yourselves silly.

Speaking of things that can give you cavities, this is the most adorable Halloween-related thing in the history of ever courtesy of the geniuses of tw_babiez: Torchwood Babiez- Happy Halloweeniez!

Okay, maybe the most adorable for Doctor Who and/or Torchwood fans. Even without knowing the characters, though, it's still OMGADORABLE. The number of squishy cheeks in those pictures is astounding. Also, Rose and the Doctor in Time Lord regalia! Captain Jack (Harkness) as Captain Jack (Sparrow)! Emo!Ianto as Raggedy Andy with his Lisa doll as Raggedy Ann!

Baby!Ten (and his Fluffy Bunny Slipper of Rassilon) alone is worth the click. Yes, there may have been some flailing from the cuteness on my part.

I just realized how little sense I'm making to most of you. *attempts to distract everyone from nonsensical-ness with chocolate*

doctor who, torchwood

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