The UCI VA and Financial Aid Offices can suck it.

Sep 20, 2007 11:00

Dear UCI Veterans Affairs Office,

Please tell me why I had to drive to UCI before work twice this week to take care of a financial aid issue that you should've taken care of a month ago. It's not that complicated: I get approved for a fee waiver by the LA office, the LA office forwards you the approval letter, you forward that letter to the UCI Financial Aid Office. That's all you had to effing do. Fax something to a department on campus not two buildings away from your own. I guess it's partially my fault that I'm rushing to make sure my fees get paid by tomorrow because this happens Every. Freaking. Year. Silly me for thinking that maybe just this year, it'd be safe to think that you'd do your job.

I blame you for me being sleep deprived and overly caffeinated. Well, okay, I blame David Tennant for being the awesomest actor since NPH in How I Met Your Mother and forcing me stay up to watch Doctor Who instead of, you know, sleeping. But I blame you for all of the coffee I had to consume to make sure I wouldn't fall asleep in traffic and how all of that caffeine made my emotions go all over the map so that I spent most of the "drive" (read: sitting my car) listening to Matchbox Twenty and ruminating on how beautifully tragic the Doctor and Rose's relationship is. (Man, my mind wanders to weird places when I'm sitting in traffic.)

But I digress. You owe me gas money, dangit.

No love,

UCI Financial Aid Office,

I was there on Monday. I gave you a copy of the approval letter. You said it'd probably be on my account by the end of the day. I came to visit you today, and apparently you never got the letter. WTF?

Willing to beat you with your own shoe if that fee waiver isn't on my account by this afternoon,

david tennant, rant, doctor who, school

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