Bring it on, Week 5.

Feb 04, 2007 22:36

It's almost midnight. I've just finished a busy, busy six-hour shift at work. Tomorrow is a nice solid block of 8 hours of internship (read: filing and envelope stuffing) goodness/class. I have at least three more pages to write for my American Teen Cinema paper that's due at 3 PM tomorrow. And let's not even mention those two midterm papers due on Thursday that I haven't even looked at because I've been working all weekend.

And where am I? In the Yearbook Office, scrambling to wrap up all of the Clubs and Organization section plus the remainder of the Academics section because everything is due to the plant tomorrow.

Welcome to Hell Week, my friends. If you never see me again, it was fun. (Sorry. I had to quote it. My Alias fan card would've been revoked if I didn't.) I wish there was a 24-hour Starbucks around here.

OT: I'm kind of in love with my new layout. Adorable robot! I shall name him Sparky.

(Psst! misspacific! Ignore that first part of my text message. I just realized that next weekend is the long weekend, not this weekend. Yeah, I don't know what day it is anymore. I measure time by what assignment is due.)

work, yearbook, alias, school, randomness

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