This paper writing thing doesn't get any easier, I see.

Oct 31, 2006 00:05

I just came back from a quick Tapioca Express paper writing break with Sara and Hanna. (Sara picked me up because I was watching Most Haunted Live and was suddenly afraid to walk alone in the dark to my car. What? That show's scary!) The “break” ended up being a tad longer than I planned, but it was completely worth it if only to relax after four hours of on-and-off paper writing and a long day of yearbook stress. Plus, I loves Sara and Hanna. They’re so much fun to be around.

We ended up talking to the cute guy who works at Tapioca and found out more about him than I thought we would when we walked into the store. How much, you ask? Well, he’s a Fourth Year engineering major at UCI from Westchester (which is near LAX, not somewhere on the East Coast like Sara and Hanna thought) who plays volleyball with a girl I’ve had a couple of classes with. Also, he’s cute. I’m tired and shallow enough to think that bears repeating.

After we sufficiently scared him off with our paper writing-induced delusional talk and giggling, we left a few minutes before Tapioca closed, and here I am.

Speaking of paper-writing delusions, Sara IM’ed me on Sunday night/Monday morning as I pretended to work on the paper I currently should be working on.

Me: do you realize how screwed we are right now, at 2:30 AM with a 10:00 discussion [in the morning] and an impending late night for paper writing?
Sara: haahhahaahah. it makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.
Me: no, i'm definltely crying on the inside
Me: and i didn't even spell "definitely" correctly
Sara: ah shit. we need 5 sources [for the paper]? who the hell does he think we are that we read all this stuff -- no offennse haha
Sara: dammit. offense.
Me: oh, man. i think we should just call it a night so we'll have energy tomorrow
Me: lord knows we have to be up early enough
Sara: i have a feeling i'm going to be terribly late, barging in there looking disheveled like i just got up and ran to class. oy.
Me: i'll probably be there relatively on time with a large cup of coffee
Me: and a caffeine IV if i get up early enough to find one
Sara: LOL
Sara: "three sources from weeks three and four"... 3 each? or 3 total?
Sara: %!#@$#@!@$#@ if it's the first one
Me: i think it's 3 total
Me: i'm totally counting movies as a source, FYI. that should cut some corners
Sara: i will be so mad if i get my paper back saying movies don't count as a source. to the point where i'll have to punch/kick/choke someone/thing
Sara: and i dont even know how to choke a something
Me: figuratively choke it
Sara: hahah how
Me: figuratively
Me: i don't know! i'm trying to tear myself away from the computer so i can sleep instead of waste time
Sara: dammit!
Sara: sleep ow!
Sara: ah shit.
Sara: forget it
Sara: i don't know how to type.
Me: LOL!
Me: oh, my god, that was awesome

Alright. I’m giving myself another four hours to write this paper so I’ll be semi-lucid for my 9:30 class. Wish me luck.

friends, school

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