
Oct 10, 2006 16:17

Maybe the lack of sleep is starting to get to me. Maybe the stress is beginning to build faster than I anticipated. Maybe I’m catching whatever bug is going around. Whatever the reason, I’ve been feeling pretty awful for the past couple of days. All I want to do is curl up the fetal position and pass out for the next week.

Can’t do that, though, because it’s Week 3. On top of the growing pile of reading, papers, and studying, I also have to stalk various UCI academics and clubs representatives to give me their materials for yearbook. I’m not complaining, though, because I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with completing a section. And I’m in charge of two sections, so double the happy feelings.

Speaking of yearbook, I’ve come to realize that the Yearbook Office is just about the only place where I can be productive. I’ve had office hours there for the past two days, and I’ve gotten so much actual work done, it’s amazing. Plus, we always have cookies and candy there. That room is magical, I tell you. Magical.

Leaving the Yearbook Office a little while ago, I spotted Hot Humcore Discussion Professor Man, who you may remember to be the subject of many an entry during my freshman year a couple of years ago. Embarrassingly, when I recognized him, I stopped in my tracks about five feet away from him and stared with my jaw hanging for a moment. He thankfully didn’t notice, and I went on my way. Now that I saw him again, I realize that he kind of looks like the Verizon guy from the commercials. I’m not sure how to take that.

I’m currently sitting in another Professor Mimura class (yep, this one is number 4 since I changed to Asian Am Studies), doing what I usually do in his classes: not paying attention. The documentary we’re watching is fairly interesting, though, so I’ll probably tune in when my laptop battery dies, which should be soon. (*shakes fist at old battery and broken lecture hall outlets*)

Also, this is a friendly reminder that Veronica Mars is on tonight. Not that the people on my flist who already watch need a reminder, but I just thought I’d say it again. I read the TWoP recap and re-watched some clips of the S3 premiere, and let me just say again that I love Logan. No comments from the peanut gallery of how much more awesome Piz is. actionvaughn, I’m looking at you.

*sigh* I guess this is my cue to take advantage of that ed-u-ma-ca-tion for which I’m paying a pretty penny. ( <-- Look at that correct grammar. Good grammar really does cost nothing, kids.)

yearbook, school, veronica mars

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