*pathetically waves goodbye to Weiss*

Oct 07, 2005 01:17

[ mood|
impressed ]
[ music| “Lately”- David Gray ]

You can ignore the rest of this entry for all I care, but at least look at this comic chinesepaladin made about my reaction to last week’s Alias ep. Completely made my day. So funny…and sadly true.

As for tonight’s episode? Okay, honesty time. I went into this episode fully prepared to be disappointed and thoroughly pissed off. I mean, I’ve been stuck in “grr, Alias” mode since last week, but surprisingly, I found myself actually enjoying most of this episode. I don’t know if I’m just happy to be in my post-PMS week or if I’m that secure in a certain hot CIA agent man returning. It might have something to do with some of the awesome scenes in this week’s ep. Whatever it was, it’s going in a cut because I’ve babbled far too long as it is.

  • French Chick: I know there’s a good chance that she’s withholding the formerly cryogenically frozen body of Rambaldi, but I can’t help but like her for some reason. It may be because she called Vaughn “Michael” but assured Sydney with a “Don’t worry. He was crazy about you.” Oh, and for the record, I think it’s either her father or Vaughn’s father in that chamber. Just a guess.
  • New Opening Sequence: I haven’t re-watched the episode yet, but I believe that sounded like the original theme song, so a big ol’ WOOT to that if it’s true. The main thing I want to point out, though, is the injustice of them taking five freaking seasons to put cast headshots/footage in the opening sequence but only when Michael Vartan isn’t there anymore. The television world is a slightly uglier place now because of that. And is it me, or does the cast seem really small now? The only “old school” people we have now are the SD-6’ers. No Vaughn, Will, Francie, Weiss, SpyMommy, or Sark. Sadness.
  • Rachel Nichols: I know we’ve only seen a little bit of her, and I sense a hint of “Ooh, look! She has good friends who don’t know what her real job is just like Syd in S1,” but I can’t bring myself to like her just yet. I do have to admit that she’s awfully pretty, though. *shrugs*
  • Dixon: I love you, but please cut your hair. It’s distracting me. =P
  • Marshall: It’s been said enough times, I know, but so much Marshall love right now, it’s not even funny. His sleepy flirting with Sydney was genius. Plus, Amanda Foreman! I did a little cheer when I saw her name. She deserves far more scenes than she gets. Point? I loves me some Marshall.
  • JG: As much as I complained about her lack of reaction in the last ep, she did a great job in this one. The loneliness in her eyes during her doctor’s appointment and later when she was looking at the picture in the car was heartbreaking. And then there’s the Jack and Sydney scene, but that’s another bullet point. ;) On the other end of the emotional spectrum, I loved the whole “I woke up today feeling really hormonal” part. I didn’t expect to laugh at those jokes, but her delivery was hilarious.
  • Vaughn: Totally not dead. None of the APO people ever referred to him as such. Yes, I’m in denial. Leave me be. BTW, every time someone referred to him in the past tense, a little part of me died. =/
  • Weiss: First off, tell me I wasn’t the only person who laughed themselves silly at the realization that Greg Grunberg had to pick up the fighting slack of the episode. Who’d a thunk that Weiss would ever be the star of the main fight of the ep? Good for him for going out with a bang, though. It goes without saying, but I’m really going to miss him. I’m really glad they didn’t have some sappy goodbye scene. The panning out of him standing alone was much more effective.
  • Thomas Grace: I’ll admit that I didn’t like his character even before I met him because he seemed to be Vaughn Lite. His introduction into APO, however, eased my nerves about him. The symbolism of having Weiss ask him to take his desk instead of Vaughn’s-which seemed like the writers’ way of telling the viewers, “He’s not Vaughn’s replacement, so don’t automatically hate him; calm the hell down”-was genius. Judging from the promo, too, I think I’ll like him…although, if I’m not mistaken, he’s the one calling out “Syd” instead of “Sydney” over comms in the promo. Isn’t it a little early to be using nicknames?
  • That Jack and Syd Scene: Oh, wow. Where can I even begin? Never has an Alias scene (including Vaughn’s death because I was essentially too in shock to think straight then) made me cry as much as this one did. After four seasons of Sydney basically keeping her father at arm’s length, she swallowed her pride and actually asked her father for help and company when she needed it. And I know I didn’t imagine Jack coming thisclose to shedding a tear at the sight of his broken and lonely pregnant daughter because that was the part that really put me over the edge. Such a great scene.

Again, I’m still surprised at how much I enjoyed this episode. I still feel cheated that we didn’t get to witness any scenes of Sydney really grieving Vaughn, but I’ll let it go because either A) Vaughn really isn’t dead or B) do we really want to see Syd hopelessly depressed again?

I’ll be the first to admit that I thought this season was going to be pretty awful, but this episode is beginning to prove me wrong. If the quality of the episodes continues like this-and if that body really isn’t Rambaldi because that would just be all kinds of ridiculous-we’ll be in good shape. Michael Vartan coming back would just be icing on the cake. (And please no dirty jokes involving Vaughn and icing. Let’s keep it clean here, kids. ;) )

ETA: Can't wait for the next episode because I've developed a sort of girl crush on next week's guest star. I won't say her name just in case there are spoiler-free people reading this, but I will throw in an EEEEEE!

On Monday, one of my roommates, Eunice, was watching One Tree Hill on DVD, so I decided to join her to kill some time. “I Shall Believe” came on during one of those emotional montage scenes, and I said something to the effect of, “Aww, I love that song! They played it during a really good scene in Alias.” She said, “That’s a really nice song. Can you send it to me?” I said yes, and we got to talking about Alias and the SVR.

Eunice said the one episode she watched was “the one where [Sydney] was almost buried alive and that funny guy had to save her. Oh, and when they danced at the train station.” She then went on to gush about how sweet the dancing scene was, which eventually lead to me summarizing the story of the SVR in under five minutes and gushing about Vaughn. She responded with, “He’s a really great guy, isn’t he? Because he seems like such a stand-up guy who loves her so much.” And to think she got all that from only one episode. We talked of getting her started on Alias starting with S1. Last night, we watched the first two eps, and she really liked them. We would’ve watched more, but it was 2AM, and we still had reading to do.

Also, re-watching the eps made me crack up at how mean Sydney was to Vaughn. I have no idea how he stood her back then. On the upside, Syd’s attitude in the “Can you show me what a bag looks like again?” scene never gets old. Good times.

And, hey, look! More bullet points!
  • On Tuesday night, I heard someone playing and singing “I Shall Believe” really well on the other side of my other roommates’ closed door. I wasn’t sure if it was Eunice playing or if it was a DVD she was watching. When there was a break in the playing, I knocked on the door, and Eunice called for me to come in. It turned out that it really was her, and she sounded amazing. I had no idea she was so musically talented. It was a nice surprise. Plus, it’s “I Shall Believe.” *melts*
  • School is going pretty well, I think. My classes are, for the most part, enjoyable-the teachers are generally entertaining; the subject matter is mostly interesting; and I’ve yet to bang my head against the wall in frustration, proclaiming that I want to quit school because it’s pointless and boring. A good stretch from last year, I know. ;) The one downside so far is that I have a ridiculous amount of reading, but such is the life of a Humanities major, I guess.
  • For the record, not all of the MVC people are crazy, infuriating fangirls who wish death and destruction upon JG and all things Alias and believe that Michael Vartan will never, ever come back to the show because he was treated oh-so badly on set. I just…yeah. Never mind.
Between going to class, actually doing my reading and assignments, forcing myself to have 6-8 hours of sleep per night (which is the only way I’d be able to get through my looong lectures), and working on weekends, I’ve found that there isn’t much time for much else, so I haven’t gotten much of a chance to read and comment on LJ’s, so all I can say is that I hope you’re all doing well. My thoughts and prayers are with the few of you who haven’t been having such a great time lately because I have lurked once or twice on that one super secret site whose name I won’t say in fear of being on the receiving end of a certain person’s wrath (=P), so I’m not completely out of the loop.

Now it’s sleepy time. Night night, everyone! =)

alias (post-episodic), roommates, school

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