The One With All The Unrelated Topics

Apr 29, 2005 20:53

[ mood|
[ music| “Our Lawyers Made Us Change The Title Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued”- Fall Out Boy]

Given the level of my obsession for Michael Vartan, you’ll all probably think I’m crazy for saying this, but we kinda got lazy to fight Friday afternoon traffic and drive all the way to Westwood/Los Angeles to go to the Monster-In-Law Premiere, so we decided not to go. *ducks rocks* Yeah, yeah. I know. I’m an idiot. I think I’m still kinda burnt out from my semi-all nighter on Wednesday night/Thursday morning.

To be honest, the only reason why I’m okay with not going is because we have Last Call with Carson Daly tickets, and my excitement for that far surpasses any excitement I had at the thought of having another 13 Going On 30 Premiere-esque experience because to be honest, seeing blurs of the celebrities I adore while being stuck behind dozens of paparazzi ass does not a fun time make.

And a quick note, as I finished writing that last paragraph just then, sleepingawake47 informed me that MV didn’t even go to the Premiere because Alias was filming and that the Premiere itself was a three-ring circus complete with the big tent. I’d like to thank my anthro professor for making me burn out the other night, effectively making me too tired to want to do anything other than take a nap. I’ve never been this thankful for slacking off. ;)

Speaking of my anthro midterm, everyone who IM’ed me on Wednesday night/early Thursday morning had the same general message of “Stop studying and go to sleep already.” Not that I listened to them or anything. I just found it amusing.

On a completely unrelated note, according to this, there’s going to be a free Sugarcult concert at UCI on May 12. I’m not all too crazy about Sugarcult, but dude. Free. I’m game. Plus, I heart “Memory” and pretty much all of Start Static. Gotta love them free concerts.

And to prove I’m not the only grammar freak around here, a conversation between Roomie and me last night:

Ju-dawg: [talking about peer editing a friend’s paper] I also wrote, “Work quote seamlessly into sentence.” Seamlessly! It’s the perfect word!
Me: Yeah, I’ve said that before.
Ju-dawg (disbelieving and slightly pained): Roda! I’m getting excited over grammar!

I think how disjointed this entry is should prove how out of it I am, so I think I’ll do some humcore reading before going to sleep. Hope everyone has a good weekend!

ETA: "You're Glowing!"- A grammatically correct badfic. It's a paradox I'm still not quite able to comprehend. Yes, I know I'm being mean for posting this link, but I'm doing it for actionvaughn. Take that as you will. ;)

michael vartan, roommates, school, fic

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