The Attack of the Killer Bullet Points

Apr 25, 2005 17:52

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[ music| “Down For The Count”- Bowling For Soup ]

I’m going to resort to bullet points not because the things I want to cover are short but because there are so many random topics that separating paragraphs with a row of *’s will not only be messy but quite annoying. Long story short, here we go:

  • Apartment hunting for next year isn’t going too well, but I’ll admit to not being of any help because I’ve yet to take the initiative and physically go to potential apartments. Thank goodness I have three wonderful potential roommates who understand the gravity of our situation of not having a place to live at this point of the quarter.
  • On Sunday evening, I talked to my sister’s best friend’s sister who works at ABC. Her name is-don’t laugh-Peachy, and she works in the talent department that does eleventy billion and one things, so I’m not even going to begin trying to explain what exactly she does. What I can say is that she was incredibly helpful in giving one point of view of someone who is in the Industry. She didn’t sugarcoat it and say that it would be a cake walk, but she did make it sound like it’s something I could actually achieve. She even offered to help try to get me an internship at ABC. The problem is that my resume is quite pathetic. It really makes me wish I joined a club this year instead of saying I wanted to focus on classes.
  • On a related note, Peachy let me in on some Alias production news. Apparently, they still have a couple of episodes to film because of the late start this year and because they had to re-work the end of the season to work in a certain returning favorite. Or maybe I heard her wrong and they already filmed the rest of the season. In any case, they wrapped or will wrap late this season.
  • I went to talk to a Bio Sci counselor today. The good news is that the counselor was really nice, supported my plan of changing majors, and said I wasn’t in much danger of failing out of college. The bad news is that I have to actually pass chem this quarter so that “much” won’t turn into “total.” Great.
  • I heart my humcore discussion professor for this quarter, Dr. Wessell. (I would continue the tradition of giving 20 word-long nicknames to my current humcore discussion person, but I think it’s much easier typing “Dr. Wessell” than “Only Female Humcore Discussion Professor Of The Year Who Is Actually Very Nice and Funny and Not To Mention German, So Her Accent Is Kinda Funny.”) She was really helpful in giving advice for my paper, and we bonded over the horrors of bad grammar. Good times.
  • It looks like going to the Monster-In-Law Premiere on Friday is going to work out. After our experience at last year’s 13 Going On 30 Premiere, I’m not going to keep my hopes of getting a good picture of Michael Vartan too high, but I’m still hoping to at least see other Alias cast members running down the carpet on the way into the theater. (Kind of like at the 13GO30 Premiere: *sees a short blur of a man whiz by* “Hey, was that Sloane?” “Wow. For an old guy, Ron Rifkin can really haul ass.”) In any case, I’m pretty sure this will end up being another “This Is What Not To Do When Obsessed With A Celebrity” warning story to tell the grandkids some day.
  • I can’t seem to get as BSB happy as I was back in the day. Don’t get me wrong; I still love them like none other and am ecstatic that they’re making a comeback, but the thought of Nick and Brian doing some cute Frick and Frack banter on stage doesn’t make me as fangirly giggly as the mental image of the cast and crew of Alias collectively calling Victor Garber “Spy Daddy” behind the scenes. My 14-year-old self would be ashamed.
  • I got a confirmation for the Last Call with Carson Daly tickets I requested! If all goes according to plan (or, rather, according to a plan I have yet to formulate), Susan, a person I have yet to call, and I will be breathing the same air as Michael Vartan come Friday, May 6 if only for the duration of a 7-minute interview. One of the biggest problems is that I have three tickets, and other than Susan, I’m not sure who else to take. No matter which fellow MV-obsessed person I choose to call, there will be at least one other person who I’ll feel guilty about for not inviting. I knew I should’ve taken the risk and requested four tickets.
  • Two plans to see Michael Vartan within one week of each other. I’m officially ashamed of my obsession.
  • Not to brag or anything, but can my nephew get any cuter? He may have inherited his grandfather’s baldingness, but awww!
  • With the help of actionvaughn, I have officially named my laptop and iPod Marshall and Mitchell, respectively. Of course, I probably will never use those names out loud, but I’ll surely refer to them as such in my LJ. Thanks, Julina!
For the sake of (random) nostalgia, here’s a little nickname meme-type thing that I saw in some random person’s LJ and adapted for my own purposes:

If you call me Roda…you’re just about anyone.

If you call me Rodie…you’re probably one of my bestest buddies, and I love you.

If you call me Ate (that’s pronounced ah-TEH for you non-Filipinos)…you’re my little sister.

If you call me Ate Roda…you’re one of my younger cousins.

If you call me Rhodes…you’re either my mom or my dad, and you’re in good mood and too lazy to say my whole name.

If you call me yumytaffy or any variation of that…you’re one of my online buddies.

If you call me Sweetcakes…you’re my godmother. =)

If you call me Rodo…you have seen my Maruna name tag or heard about it from someone.

If you call me Robo…you’re confused and David Lee.

If you call me Roder…you’re either Herbert, Abie, or someone who saw my yearbook fundraising candy box.

If you call me Rodisha…you’re either Jesus, Nancy, or Genne and stuck in a state of 9th grade nostalgia.

Speaking of nostalgia, ACHALA! If you’re reading this, please IM me (even if I have an away message up) because I have a lot of nostalgia and squee’ing to spill to you.

And now I have some paper editing, anthro midterm studying, and reading to do. Hope everyone has a great week!

family, michael vartan, roommates, alias, school, randomness

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